Monday, June 13, 2016

Full shutdown mode

I've composed posts a hundred times in my head for the past couple weeks. But as those who know me and love me anyways know, when shit hits the fan in life, I shut down. Mentally, emotionally, physically. I do the bare minimum in all things life related with the exception of caring for Lucas. I give him everything I have and if anything is left over, I toss it towards other areas of life. Example: his laundry is done, folded and our away. Me? I'm wearing Christmas pajamas. Yup.

Usually this only lasts a couple days to a week but apparently changing my entire life in a few short months was too much for my brain to handle. I went off the grid. I watched crappy TV. I ate too much and everyone who was at the wedding last weekend knows I drank too much.

I tried to turn it around and failed a few times.

There were milestones:

Celebrating 5 years with my job- and also celebrating friends who grab my cellphone and act like proud mamas and take countless pictures.

Our 5 year anniversary..... We have spent more than half my life together now. Wow.

But today.... Today was the day I turned it around. Because I remembered life is too damn short. 9 years ago we lost my stepdad. One minute he was driving my mom to work and the next minute I was calling 911 and administering CPR. 

Life can change in an INSTANT. 

And there's no use sweating over every small decision. We will make good decisions. We will make terrible ones. Life will move forward whether we are ready for it to or not. 

All we can do is trust God. Let go and let
God. That's my mantra for the next few months! 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Ultimate Reset- Final Results and Thoughts

I know I promised this post about a week and a half ago but life has been a little bit hectic and I'm finally ready to talk about it.

We are MOVING.  And not to just a new house.  To a new town.  To new jobs.  To a completely different life.  Insert multiple panic attacks, sleepless nights, and thoughts of "What the hell are we doing?" here.

My husband applied for a job in his hometown (10 minutes away from MY hometown) and was offered and accepted it.  Thankfully, I was able to change districts within my company so that I will be able to be in the same town 4 days a week and have about a 30 minute drive 1 day a week.  In the long run, this change will be good (I hope!).  But short-term?  It SUCKS.  Trying to find a house and daycare, thinking about moving and everything that goes with that... starting over in a new town and new districts.  UGH.  I need to stop before I have another panic attack and don't finish this post.

Anyways.  That's my excuse.  More to come when I actually know what the hell we are doing with our lives.

So my final results for the reset.....

BOOM.  Down 5 pounds in 21 days, losing another 2 pounds in the week after the Ultimate Reset. CRAZY!!!! These pictures do not do my results justice, I promise you.  My clothes are looser, the rolls are disappearing.   The baby abs may be exposed some time this summer.  5 pounds doesn't sound like a lot, but for my size, it was huge.  Other people in my group that did it lost anywhere from 10-25 pounds!

Ok so pros-
I totally changed the way I ate.  The times, the amount, the type of food.
I learned to cook things that I would never have made before and found lots of food that I like.
I got leaner and lost weight that I have been struggling to lose.  
I broke the plateau and mindset that I have been struggling with for the last 3 months.

Not working out for 3 weeks was really hard since I am in the process of training for a marathon- bad timing.
I spent a LOT of time in the kitchen.
I spent a LOT of money on groceries, on top of the cost of the product.
I definitely felt some side effects the first few days of headaches and being exhausted.

Would I do it again?  ABSOLUTELY!  What this did to my body and my mindset was life changing and I highly encourage anyone who is looking for a big change to try it.

If you are interested in trying it and have questions, contact me on my Facebook page or email me at 

If you want to buy it NOW go to:
Ultimate Reset® Challenge Pack (US):