Sunday, February 8, 2015

Being a fit mom

So one of the biggest misconceptions I had before having Lucas was that when I stayed at home with him, I would have all this time. Babies sleep almost all their me when you bring them home- why wouldn't I be able to clean the house, work out, watch TV marathons and shower and eat.

should have found this article a long time ago.

Not only was I a complete jerk to all my friends with kids by the things I said and did (I still want to yell at people on Facebook without kids who post about being tired because they stayed up too late watching Netflix.... I stayed up too late with a teething baby. Boom- winner of the exhausted club!) but I seriously did not have a clue!

The #1 reason moms don't work out can't possibly be time. Because yes I can find 30 minutes of time after baby goes to bed and the house is picked up and maybe if I skip showering today I have time.... 

But I am exhausted! I don't want to go pound the treadmill with my fancy running shoes that Lucas loves to chew on.  I don't want to "push" myself and strength train. I want a good Tv show and a glass of wine.  Or a nap! 

I'm not sure I have an answer for us moms on how to push past this- maybe the good old "this too shall pass"? I did get 7 hours of sleep last night before Lucas woke up to eat at 5 and we've been cuddling ever since.... So maybe there is hope in the future. Of course there is also coffee... And sometimes that tastes like hope! 

My Jam

So I finally joined the bandwagon and watched Pitch Perfect. I never really saw the point but after hearing all the hype about Pitch Perfect 2, I decided to see what the big deal was.... And oh man, have I found my new favorite jam. Yes, it is the movie version of Glee and I am entirely too old to enjoy it this much. But I definitely downloaded the soundtrack, have been running to it all weekend, and am working on a Playlist inspired by it. Somebody stop me! 

In other news, things I am addicted to... 

Yes, they are worth the calories. 26th Street Hy-vee Sioux Falls friends. I just knew that I would love them... So I bought two packages. 80/20 rule right? 80% clean eating, 20% Oreos!

Good thing I have picked up the running- I ran every day this weekend and successfully completed week 1 of Couch to 5k and started week 2. And oh am I paying for it. Somehow I have developed old lady knees. Or weak knees as my husband calls them. Either way i deforest limped my way up the stairs after running last night.

For the mothers out there, do you ever stop being mad when your breastmilk gets spilled? Lost a bottle last night because Mike hiccuped and spilled it- augh!!!!! 

I've got another post in the works for you moms but I want to do it justice so I will finish it tomorrow! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My latest addiction- overnight oats.

So I have joined the overnight oats train and become the person at work people give weird looks to when I carry around my peanut butter container full of yummy goodness... But let me back up to the beginning. 

I posted a few days ago about finding motivation and here are a few of my sources-
1) My friends! I seriously have some that kick @$$ and take names. Mother of two who runs half marathons and considers a 6 miler just another run- someone I look up to! Can't take a shower because I have blisters all over my hands from Crossfit friend- heck yes I can continue to strength train.
2) Chalene Johnson via podcasts. You listen to enough healthy tips and tricks from the experts and you will want to do it too! 
3) Social media- I have liked and followed the heck out of fitness and health celebrities lately so when I log in, that's all I see!

But despite all this motivation, this week has been rough. I had a horrible cold all weekend and husband is on overnights so it's just me and the baby.... Who is sleeping better but is also getting his top middle teeth my sleep is still interrupted several times a week. 

So I decided to hit pause on boarding the workout train and really get my nutrition down this week- they say abs are made in the kitchen anyways right? 

So step 1- meal plan. I told you guys I wanted to do the 21 day fix but it got way too overwhelming in the short time I had between that decision and getting groceries. So I decided to just stick to pretty much the same breakfast and lunch for the week and then supper would be either a protein and veggie  or a small portion of carbs. 

So step 1- pick a breakfast. I saw someone recommend overnight oats as their 21 day breakfast. I've been wanting to try them so I figured, why not! Best decision ever! 

I make mine with half a cup vanilla yogurt mixed with half a cup oats. Dump half a cup of fruit on top and refrigerate overnight. So easy and so yummy!

Morning snack had either been a banana and scoop of PB2 or a protein shake.

Lunch has been a salad (Dole chopped salad mix is the best!) with veggies and honey mustard sauce and whatever leftover protein we had from supper or cottage cheese if we didn't have anything. I put everything in containers onSunday  so I just have to grab it and put it in my bag.

Funny side- there was one container that just got carrots so I didn't have to open up a new bag of lettuce until mid- week... Guess which container I grabbed this morning? Thank god for friends who let me use their lunch code to buy a salad bar so I could get lettuce. Ugh! Blonde moment! 

Here is what my fridge looked like: 

My afternoon snack has been 1/3 cup nuts and an apple.

Although I am not a fan of mid week weighins due to my unhealthy relationship with the scale, I did hop on and I had already lost a pound. Which is good because I was up a pound and. A half lol probably mostly post- period detox but I feel fuller and better already filling my body with all this goodness.

Hoping this weekend I have a little more one to meal plan and can add some variety but I guarantee the oats are staying!