So my last day of Phase 2... Day 14. Here was my schedule:
Week 2-Release Day 7
6:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 1
packet Detox
7:00- Fresh fruit plate (3 cups)
10:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 1
packet Detox
11:00- hearty vegetable miso soup, microgreen salad, 1/3 cup
toasted pumpkin seeds, 1 serving dressing <--------- Note: I did not eat the pumpkin seeds becuase my husband ate them all.
1:30-2:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, Power Greens
2:30 ½ avocado and 1 medium carrot <-------I ended up subbing an apple and cup of berries
5:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 1
packet Detox, 2 capsules Soothe
5:30 Edamame and roasted corn succotash and lemon kale <---------- I ended up using the "Reset in a Crunch" and having a baked potato and garlic veggies. They were delicious and I did not regret the decision one bit!
Week 3- Day 15
6:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize
7:00- Fresh fruit plate (3 cups)
10:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize
11:00- Miso soup and Asian cabbage salad
1:30-2:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, Power Greens
2:30 1 apple and 1 cup berries
5:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize, 2 capsules Soothe
5:30 Baked potato and garden veggies
6:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize
7:00- Fresh fruit plate (3 cups)
10:30- 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize
11:00- Miso soup and Asian cabbage salad
1:30-2:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, Power Greens
2:30 1 baked potato and an apple <--- You have option to do a grain snack so I combiend the two because I needed some energy. Plus any opportunity to
5:00 12-24 ounces Mineralized water, 2 capsules Optimize, 2 capsules Revitalize, 2 capsules Soothe
5:30 Curried cauliflower and lemon kale <--- the cauliflower had a good flavor even though it's not my favorite vegetable.. the lemon kale was LEMONY. Uffdah. I couldn't eat it to be honest. It was just too much lemon explosion in my mouth!
Today I have joint pain, a headache, and I didn't sleep very well. I keep repeating to myself 4 days after this, 4 days after this but it seems like a long road to get through. Fingers crossed!
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