Friday, May 6, 2016

Ultimate Reset Day 2 and 3

Day 2 meals were the exact same as Meal 1 so see my previous post if you are interested in what that looked like.

As far as how I felt... Ugh! Not as bad as Day 1 but still exhausted. Headache. (Stupid allergies!). And I almost cracked spending 45 minutes on meal prep which normally wouldn't be a big deal. But I made it through to Day 3.

Which was a lot easier!!

Breakfast was overnight oats minus the almond milk. 

Not as creamy as usual but still so yummy and delicious!

I was surprised with how much more awake I felt when I first woke up. I got super tired on my drive but I was way less tired throughout the day compared to days 1 and 2.

Lunch was so much food- not pictured is my sunflower seeds. I stuffed myself full. Note to self- you do not have to eat everything you bring. Eat until full. 

Micro green salad and lentil-lime salad.

Lentils aren't my favorite but they weren't as bad as I thought they would be. The sauce was AMAZING! I think I would love this a lot more if I made it with rice.

Snack was raspberries in yogurt with some cinnamon- yum. Sorry no pic- a co worker was talking to me while I ate and it seemed weird to snap a pic in front of him.

When I got home, we hit some garage sales and then I got Lucas fed and sent him and Mike to swimming lessons while I hit a few last garage sales. We stopped at a daycare friend's house so by the time I got Lucas wound down and in bath and bed, it was 9:00 before I sat down to eat.

I promise you, that would have NEVER happen end in the past. I would have been STARVING! But honestly, I was hardly hungry. I had half a cucumber, some brown rice and a sweet potato with coconut oil. I ate about half of what I could have for the program and I went to bed full. 

I can definitely see some definition in my stomach coming through which is exciting. 

I was cold and my joints hurt today which they talk about as things you might feel but an Epsom salt bath cured that for me.

18 days left! 

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