Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Goals

Well you can't start your 2016 goals without reviewing your 2015 list.
1.  30 minute 5k
     DONE.  A 27 minute 5k actually... boom!
2.  Pay off two student loans
     DONE.  And I am $427 short of paying off my LAST student loan so when the husband wakes          up, we will be having a long discussion about where to find that money from fast.
3.  Live a healthier lifestyle
     DONE.  And about to get healthier.
4.  Be a better person
     Done?  I think I am a better, nicer person than I was in 2014 but I still have a ways to go :)

Midway through the year I added finishing a Pinterest book list and People's Best Moves in 2014.

I successfully read every book on the list.

I did not watch all the movies... I have watched Gone Girl (book is better), Theory of Everything (amazing!), and part of Selma this week but I'm definitely not going to get the rest of them finished this year so I will carry that list over into next year.  I've got a Best of 2015 list but I'm not going to make it a goal.

So the following goal sections were compiled from a few sources- Dave Ramsey, Chalene Johnson, and the book of Kayla to round it out to 10.  2 sub-goals in each area.  TWENTY GOALS?  Am I crazy.  Maybe!  But you never know until you try right?

1.       Blog 5 days a week
2.       Sign one coach

1.       Daily check in
2.       One date a month

1.       Complete one challenge a month
2.       Half marathon 2.0

Mental Health
1.       Meditate daily
2.       Read every day

1.       Daily check in with a friend
2.       One activity a month with a friend

1.       Pray every day
2.       Do a daily devotion

Personal Development/Intellectual
1.       Read six nonfiction books in 2016
2.       Listen to podcasts on the way to work

1.       Do one Pinterest activity a week
2.       Read six fiction books in 2016

1.       Call mom and dad weekly
2.       Text brothers weekly

1.       Be debt free except the house
2.       $10,000 emergency fund

What are YOUR goals for 2016?  If it's anything to do with a healthier lifestyle or making money doing something you love, I would love to be the person to help you.  Send me a message via Instagram (5mylife) or Facebook (link on the side) or email me at

Happy New Year ya'll!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

First Meal Plan for 2016!

So my goal was to post this last week so you could follow it and prep over the weekend but that obviously didn't happen. So, here is a good meal plan for NEXT week and you can prep this weekend :) 

Overnight Oats
(Oatmeal, Yogurt, Fruit)
Overnight Oats
(Oatmeal, Yogurt, Fruit)
Overnight Oats
(Oatmeal, Yogurt, Fruit)
Overnight Oats
(Oatmeal, Yogurt, Fruit)
Overnight Oats
(Oatmeal, Yogurt, Fruit)
Spaghetti Squash
BBQ Chicken
Apple or orange
Spaghetti Squash
BBQ Chicken
Apple or orange
Spaghetti Squash
BBQ Chicken
Apple or orange
Spaghetti Squash
BBQ Chicken
Apple or orange
Spaghetti Squash
BBQ Chicken
Apple or orange
Veggie (carrots, cucumber)
Veggie (carrots, cucumber)
Veggie (carrots, cucumber)
Veggie (carrots, cucumber)
Veggie (carrots, cucumber)
Sweet potato
Sweet potato
Sweet potato
Banana oat pancakes

The Meatloaf and Pancake recipes are from my fabulous Fixate Cookbook which you can purchase through my Brachbody Link. 

Prep probably took me an hour total but that was throughout the day.

At lunch I put chicken in the crockpot with low carb BBQ sauce. There is a sauce recipe in the Beachbody nutrition guides that I want to try to decrease the sugar intake but I decided this was ok in for efficiency sake.

Later that afternoon I preheated my oven to 350, cut my spaghetti squash in half and dug out the seeds.

Bake for an hour, let cook and then use a fork to scrape and it's just like spaghetti!

Overnight oats with a yellow of oatmea, a red of plain Greek yogurt and a purple of fruits with a splash of unsweetened almond milk. Perfection! (Two are kissing fruit because I had some bananas to finish up at the beginning of the week).

I chopped celery and cucumbers and divided up my carrots into snack baggies. 

Rinsed my fruit with fruit wash and water to remove the junk. 

Measured out my squash using a green and my BBQ chicken using a red and placed everything in the fridge.


It's been delicious and amazing so far.

I did havenonebtreat to celebrate an exciting event that I will be sharing later.

If you are an 80/20 girl like me, I strongly recommend these chocolates. Yum! 

Stay balanced friends! 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Clearing my phone for the new year

Here is the randomness that accumulates on my phone of things I meant to share other days but forgot.... Not a professional blogger quite yet :)

This was taken the Wednesday before Christmas.... You make me sad Target. 

This has been my life all of Christmas. 

This has been my life once Lucas goes to bed. 

Yup, still bitter about the fence and that I'm going in to 2016 with a student loan.

If you find these, buy them. You will not be disappointed.

Pineapple upside down cake at work.... Doesn't come close to my grandma's recipe and just made me miss my grandma a lot.... I know she's watching over us every day!

Did everyone else know winter doesn't start until December? I didn't.... Blonde moment.

Enough said.

There are many times a week I say that I need an adult.... And I'm not kidding.

It got cold this week.... Really cold.

Read this book this week for a little motivation to stay on track with money...

If you can still find these, invest in them.

They are as ooey gooey as they look.

I will break my healthy lifestyle for this.

Will be ordering this in the new year- who needs chocolate milk when you have chocolate Recover from Beachbody

Got up with Lucas twice last night.... Mike slept through both times.

Good reminder ;)

Kept up the Christmas tradition from my house of making cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning... Yum! 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas! I know I went to bed feeling incredibly blessed and grateful... Even when Lucas woke up and slept with me from midnight on ;)

We had our last Christmas with the in laws today and I am ready to start my sugar and carb detox tomorrow lol But I will wait until my challenge group officially starts Jan 1.  Thankfully I got all the things I will need:

What a beautiful sight beneath the tree!

21 Day Fix challenge pack- can't wait to use my 21 day insulated bag! 

3 day refresh- my husband asked me what it was and I told him hell. He didn't believe me and kept asking for details so I told him more about it and his comment "So you will be pooping and starving?" Yah.. He gets me. 

So does my mom:

A Fit Belt, a Garmon, pajamas, my favorite beef jerky and a devotional. Balanced life in a box! 

I've already been using my other Christmas gift which was my new running shoes from my dad. 

My in laws have us a lovely check which we will be splitting between Lucas' saving fund and our debt snowball. I am such a nerd because I am SUPER excited to do my budget on the 31st and figure out how close we will be to paying off my last student loan. We WILL be debt free by my 30th birthday. 

Our final gift is that my parents are taking my brothers and I and our families to Wisconsin Dells this summer. I have such fond memories of going there as a kid and can't wait to share that experience with Lucas. Thankfully I knew it was coming because my mom introduced it as "Your dad and I have an announcement...." My parents are divorced and have been for 17 years and my brother totally thought they were going to announce something else... Maybe you have to have my twisted sense of humor or know my family but I died laughing at that one... Still am.

That's all I have for today. My husband has lots of snow to shovel and Lucas and I have lots of toys to play with.

(That's just from us- full gift post on his blog. Thank you Black Friday- I stayed 100% in budget.)

Monday, December 21, 2015

How to be a morning workout person... no I'm not pulling a Steve Harvey... I meant morning!

Well I have officially worked out around 5:15 a.m. for two days now so I feel like I have a lot of expertise to share about this topic.

Okay... I've really screwed up the process of working out at 5:15 a.m. for two days now so I'm an expert on what NOT to do.

Step 1:  Come to acceptance that this is something you have to do.  Lucas is 21 months old so... that's a long time for acceptance.  Ok, maybe it hasn't been that long.  He did used to go to bed between 6-7 p.m. (he would get up 5-10 times a night.. don't tell me to count my blessings) so getting my workouts in was no problem.  Then there was summer so I could get them in when he went to daycare/napped.  Then I went to working out every other week when Mike was off.... then I was able to work out at night because Mike worked days... and then.... I was out of excuses.  It was get up at 5:00 a.m. and workout OR do it at 9:00 at night.  Lesser of two evils?

Step 2: You must like your workout or you will not get up.  So if you hate running... don't get up and run.  Because you will not get up.  I have come back around to running and I had a realization the other day-- I was starting to hate running because I was trying to watch TV and multi-task while I did it.  I need LOUD music and to zone out when I run.  Today's workout was "Kill Cupcake", a Beachbody on Demand exclusive.  I LOVED IT. 

Step 3:  Lay out your clothes the night before.  Day 1 I was stumbling around in the dark, smashing into things, convinced I was going to wake up Lucas.  Some people like to sleep in their clothes but the idea of sleeping in a sports bra...bleh. 

Step 4:  Put your water in the fridge the night before.  Yes, these small simple steps make all the difference in the morning.

Step 5:  If you plan to drink a pre-workout drink/eat, have that ready to go too.  I tried Energize this week and I loved it..but you need to take it 10-15 minutes pre-workout.  Which means I need to start drinking it the second my feet hit the ground because every minute counts.  Another lesson learned after Day 1.

P.S.  If you want to try Energize for yourself, check out the "Beachbody Coach" link above.  It tastes delicious and it is the one energy drink I have ever tried that did not leave me buzzing/shaking.  Results may vary but see my disclosure- I do NOT recommend things I don't believe in. 

Step 6:  Set two alarms.  Because the first one won't be enough.  The second one is a must.

Step 7:  Go to bed at a decent time.  I didn't fall asleep until after 11 last night and waking up this morning was a bbbeeeeeppppp.  

Step 8: Do not murder husband who sleeps through you working out 2 feet away from his head.... Both times. I'm glad I took this photo for proof because he didn't believe me. 

Step 9: Remind yourself that this is only temporary.  One day your child will be able to occupy themselves while you get your workout in.  That will also be the day they no longer want to snuggle with you so... I will take 5 a.m. workouts for as long as it takes.

Stay balanced friends!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fatty Food Flu

Fatty food flu definition: the gross, nasty feeling and accompanying stomachache you get when you eat way too much unhealthy food after eating a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday's afternoon trap

Thursday night's trap- I love me a good holiday edition version of cereal. These weren't spectacular so don't rush out and buy them. 

My attempt at eating healthy at a pot luck at work.

Then I made a holiday treat sandwich.... I think that's what did me in.

But it didn't stop me from eating a bag of these later... SO good! Sweet and salty. You should rush out and buy these. 

I felt like crap. I literally felt like I had the flu. Self- induced flu. 

I don't recommend it but it was a good reminder of why I don't eat like this anymore. MODERATION! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

My secret to eating cookies

Yesterday's eats in a snap shot ;)

Supper was grilled chicken with soy sauce and sesame seeds and some steamed green beans tossed in- served over rice it was a healthy and delicious dinner! 

I went scrounging for chocolate after supper.... These peppermint M and Ms did not do it for me. 

This Pop Works sample I got from Pinch Me did- delicious! I must find this in a store.

No workout because I helped decorate the fire hall for a get together on SundayZ 

We put Lucas to work sweeping. After we got Lucas to bed, I was still hungry so I finished off my pumpkin spice mini wheats. 

So good and hit the spot!

And here is how to eat cookies:

Take one bite of each cookie until you find the perfect one that is worth the calories.... According to Mike I probably ate 3 cookies in the process... But in my mind, at least I didn't eat 12 ;). You're welcome for that one!

Stay balanced ;)