Melissa & Doug Peg Puzzle-Dinosaurs We are loving puzzles lately and Lucas loves to "Rawr" when he sees a dinosaur so this was a great addition! I love Melissa and Doug products because they last overtime.
Little Friends "Let's Play" Book We love sound books at my house and what I like about this book is that it covers weather which we didn't have a book about (shocking, I know!)
Finger Puppet Glove When I made Lucas' Christmas list, puppets were on it so I was very excited to be able to get them through my Bluum box! I hope he likes this toy. It seems pretty high quality. If you have kids that are into animals, I recommend checking out the Animal Planet brand. My dad got Lucas quite a few animal sets from there for Christmas that I will be using for quiet bags.
Room deodorizer/dehumidifier This product pick was a gamble but I am very glad I took it. It hangs in a closet and sucks out the humidity and odor. We have a humidifer running in Lucas' room (sees counterproductive I know) and because we have an old house, the closets get a smell if they aren't opened I put this in Lucas' closet to help with those two things and I can already tell a difference when I opened it a couple days later to get some diapers. I strongly recommend looking into this if you are interested. It's $9.99 which I think is a reasonable price for what you get.
So that's our November box- lots of cool products and I was very pleased what what we got for the cost of the box.
Please remember to help me out and click Bluum Box Referral if you want to order your own box.
Breakfast was toast with peanut butter and eggs. I had a meeting and I just want you to know that I passed up on donuts from my favorite bakery.... I still regret that decision. They were fresh out of the oven and everything. Sigh. I went back to my office and had some clementines to console myself.
Lunch was turkey burger with rice and tomatoes. I'm ready for these turkey burgers to be gone... Not my favorite. I also had a side of tea because my cold is killing me.
Snack was almonds and apples and some water without carbonation... Aka just plain water. Clearly I was losing my mind this morning.
Supper was leftover pulled pork with green beans and an attempt to eat butternut squash from a can... It was awful and I had to put it away!
I did not work out today. I have a terrible cold and am developing laryngitis and I think I overworked myself this week. Knowing that I have Lucas most of the weekend by myself because Mike works, I decided to take a break. We went to Target and got groceries which put us past bedtime for Lucas and its now 9:30 and I just don't have it in me. I did a protein bar for some added nutrition and now am going to brush my teeth and go to bed!
And true confession time.... I cheated last night and ate some of these.
They were yummy and delicious and helped get my blood sugar back on track so I didn't feel like passing out... Probably could have made better choices but I was tired.
The struggle for balance is real folks!
P.s. Our activity tonight was to read a holiday book.
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