Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 3 of Refresh and Results

I woke up feeling much better and the migraine was gone so I was eager to finish strong. Breakfast of champions- chocolate Shakeology and blueberries! 

My husband is on overnights which means Lucas and I try to stay pretty quiet- easier said than done! So around 9 I made my tea and we headed for Target. Lucas fell asleep on way over which gave me time to a- make my list and b- read my devotional. New Years goals! 

Lucas had a BLAST when he woke up. This age is so fun. I don't think he stopped talking the entire time we were there.

If anyone needs a birthday idea for Lucas ;) he played with these puppies for a long time! Also tried to con me into a $50 Thomas the train book and toy set. "Thomas! Please! Please!" I swear, if I hadn't already bought him all his birthday presents on Black Friday my heart would have melted and it would have been ours.

Because Lucas played and was so entertained, we didn't get home until lunch time so I drank my Fiber Sweep while I fed him. I don't know what I did on the first day that made it so good, but day 3 I was thankful I was done with it. More water or more mixing maybe? 

Lucas and I played downstairs and watched some Pooh and then I laid him down for a nap around 2. As I listened to him yell "Ready set go!" and run around his crib before finally settling down, j couldn't figure out what was off (other than my Netflix which wasn't working on iPad... Growl!). And then it hit me- I never ate lunch. 2 p.m. and I wasn't hungry. What the heck- who am I? I'm the girl who eats by 11. So I made myself a Vanilla Fresh and ate my apples, carrot and hummus and curled up for a nap.  This still blows my mind but this is exactly what I wanted from this experience- a recharge of my body. To get me away from eating out of habit or sugar addiction and listening to my body! And it's working! 

When Lucas woke up and was ready for a snack, I ate some carrots and hummus with him.

For supper, my husband made me veggie stir fry to go with my Vanilla Fresh and broth.

This photo is from the leftovers I ate tonight- he made me 2 servings. What a sweetie.

After supper, I just say for a moment and gave myself a mental pat on the back. Yup, I had a cracker migraine incident but for the most part, I stuck with it and I was proud.

I couldn't wait to get on the scale today and see the change. And then IT happened.

No weight loss. What the BEEP?!? My clothes fit good again, I could see the bloat was gone.

And then I went and did my measurements for Day 1 of Hammer and Chisel. 2 inches gone from my stomach!

Oh yah, the scale LIES lol

So yup, it helped me lose that Christmas bloat. But what I'm most excited about is that it helped reset my hunger and cravings. 

The 3 day refresh is on sale right now with my FAVORITE challenge packs (including the one I purchased it with), so if you want to reset your body and see results, send me a Facebook or Instagram message or email me at! 

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