Monday, January 11, 2016

Meal Prep Madness

I think this post could also be labeled Monday madness because it's been one of THOSE days. Thankfully Lucas is on the mend but it seems like life is going 100 miles a minute right now and I just want to slow down and relax.

I officially am on week 2 of Hammer and Chisel and am 1 pound down. Yay! It's a tough workout but it's doable. I am capable of carrying myself up the steps but add on Lucas' weight and I'm definitely feeling the burn of spent muscles.

His muscles never wear out.

Alright, on to my meal prep of the week.

I have found its very helpful to write down what I need to do and have a copy of the meal plan in front of me.

Meal prep for this week was relatively short but it was not easy. Lucas decided that he just wanted Mommy's attention so my poor husband had to take over most of the cooking.

I cannot get enough of spaghetti squash- it's like a carb but it's a veggie! I threw a butternut squash in there too. I haven't made one of those in the oven before (previous attempts in microwave have failed) but it turned out to be super easy to scoop it into a green container and it was delicious- no butter added.

I ended up swapping out taco meat for spaghetti sauce and meat for my squash. I saw someone's post on Instagram and it looked too good to pass. So instead of a full purple in my Shake in the morning, I just did half to account for the sauce in my lunch. Besides, Shakeology is good enough on its own ;) 

Do you guys see that pink container in the corner.... It's a different container lid color because it doesn't have meat in it.

Guess what I brought to work today....

Communication in a marriage is key.... The only saving grace my husband had on not getting cursed out is that he's been very helpful the past few days.... I'm not kidding when I say that you wouldn't like me when I am hangry. Note to self: throw pack of Shakeology in your purse. Duh. 

My last exciting news is that Shakeology released their new Cafe Latte flavor today!

I love my flavors but Shakeology plus coffee- you better believe I am ordering some! 

Like my outfit- Lucas was watching Let it Go from Frozen while I got dressed and apparently it inspired me :)

That's all for today- hope your Monday went better!

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