But I'm slowly making progress so I wanted to touch base with all of you.
My intention was to start the 30 Day Push by Chalene Johnson a few weeks ago but I am starting it today. And my library book is due February 3rd so I am doing a condensed version. I thought it would be interesting to share with you what I did on Day 1. Personal development is a big part of my life and I am excited to start this.
Brainstorm your priorities- place a star next to the 5 that are the most important (HA, that was easy- my blog title of course!)
Family (Lucas/Mike)*
Meaning that my family is financially sound, not that we are rich
Being healthy
Being a kind person
Running, working out
Personal development/time for myself
Now list the 3 that are most important to you
Rewrite in order of importance..wait, I already did :)
Take priority #1 and answer questions about it:
It's the most important area in my life because without my family, I am nothing. I will honor my priority by doing my best to keep a balance and if I need to disrupt the balance, making sure they stay in the #1 spot. The following actions would be inconsistent with my commitment to my top priority: ANYTHING that takes me away from them that is also not a priority, anything that makes me give less of myself to them. To honor that priority I will limit the following: checking social media, taking my stress out on them. To honor that priority, I need to do the following: put my phone down. Leave work at work. Watch my tone of voice.
Write a top priority clarity statement and memorize it (hence why mine is short LOL)
My number one priority is to be actively involved in my family's life and present for the moments. My actions should always make my family feel loved, cherished and honored. I will not make any decisions that would cause my family to feel "less than" or unloved.
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