Breakfast- peanut butter toast (only one piece) and a shake (chocolate protein, almond milk, half a banana and a handful of spinach)
Lunch- my first taste of spaghetti squash- with BBQ pork on top it was pretty good. A salad on side with balsamic vinegar and sunflowers.
Snack- celery and cucumbers with hummus. Was supposed to have PB2 with celery but I forgot it... Why can't I remember everything?
Snack 2- when I got home I may have visited the cookie bar ;) if it's peanut butter surrounded by chocolate, it counts
as a teaspoon right?
Supper- leftover turkey chili Fixate cookbook with crackers- love this healthy recipe
Yesterday's eats are a pretty good reflection of my typical day- only thing I didn't snap a picture of is hot chocolate I had at ECFE- last night and Lucas did a decent job separating. Cried for a minute but then was fine. I went with my mommy instincts and just patted him on the head and snuck out and it worked- may not be staff approved but it was mommy and daddy approved!
After early childhood, Lucas had supper and we played and opened a gift for 24 days of Christmas.
Then it was time for bath.
I feel like he forgot a step ;) this made me laugh a lot! Oh buddy. Here are some more things to make you laugh:
This is how I felt the entire time I was training for my half!
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