I know they aren't whole wheat but they are amazing! I had half for breakfast with a teaspoon of butter and ended up eating the other half around 10 because i got hungry. Lucas also split a banan with me. Later that morning we had yogurt.
Love this stuff! After we snacked, we went to visit Santa.
It quickly went south once Lucas actually had to sit on Santa's lap....
Classic right?
We came home and had lunch.
Turkey chili with some green beans and a few crackers (a little extra yellow today... My bad) and cheese.
Soon after lunch Lucas and I went down for a nap but Jake woke me up barking at the paper guy so I laid in bed witching Blindspot and snacked on an apple and almonds.
These really are delicious. I read my Beachbody policy manual while I snacked. On page 14 of 51- lots to digest!
When Lucas woke up we tackled the snow for the first time.
Much better then Santa! When Mike got home, I choked down some veggies and turkey chili and we headed to Costco. Needed a few odds and ends and a good place to eat cheap... Lacking on healthy options though, this me eating before.
When we got home I had to eat a protein bar- I was starving! We got Lucas in the tub and in bed and then I had to face the music... Workout time.
I didn't want to because I was feeling exhausted and crappy (despite 2 coffees and caving in a diet Mountain Dew today) so I told myself that I could just do 20 minutes on the treadmill instead of 30. All about compromise right? And now it's time to shower and go to bed!
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