Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas! I know I went to bed feeling incredibly blessed and grateful... Even when Lucas woke up and slept with me from midnight on ;)

We had our last Christmas with the in laws today and I am ready to start my sugar and carb detox tomorrow lol But I will wait until my challenge group officially starts Jan 1.  Thankfully I got all the things I will need:

What a beautiful sight beneath the tree!

21 Day Fix challenge pack- can't wait to use my 21 day insulated bag! 

3 day refresh- my husband asked me what it was and I told him hell. He didn't believe me and kept asking for details so I told him more about it and his comment "So you will be pooping and starving?" Yah.. He gets me. 

So does my mom:

A Fit Belt, a Garmon, pajamas, my favorite beef jerky and a devotional. Balanced life in a box! 

I've already been using my other Christmas gift which was my new running shoes from my dad. 

My in laws have us a lovely check which we will be splitting between Lucas' saving fund and our debt snowball. I am such a nerd because I am SUPER excited to do my budget on the 31st and figure out how close we will be to paying off my last student loan. We WILL be debt free by my 30th birthday. 

Our final gift is that my parents are taking my brothers and I and our families to Wisconsin Dells this summer. I have such fond memories of going there as a kid and can't wait to share that experience with Lucas. Thankfully I knew it was coming because my mom introduced it as "Your dad and I have an announcement...." My parents are divorced and have been for 17 years and my brother totally thought they were going to announce something else... Maybe you have to have my twisted sense of humor or know my family but I died laughing at that one... Still am.

That's all I have for today. My husband has lots of snow to shovel and Lucas and I have lots of toys to play with.

(That's just from us- full gift post on his blog. Thank you Black Friday- I stayed 100% in budget.)

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