Tuesday, March 15, 2016

30 days to 30.... Except I can't count

Where do you start when you haven't posted in 19ish days? Do you complain about how insane life has been.... Do you just write a regular post and pretend like it didn't happen? What is proper blog etiquette?

Who the hell knows....

I have been so insanely focused on Lucas turning 2 (2!!), that when it happened I realized my life had paused until it did. 

And THEN I realized I was going to turn 30. So on Monday I vowed to start a 30 day clean eating to 30... With the exception of Palm Sunday and Easter... And then I realized I only had 29 days. And then I ate a bar today. Fffff. Lol.

On the plus side I am nailing my workouts and have officially started Week 1 of marathon training.

Thank you gorgeous Minnesota spring weather (I know we will get a blizzard soon) for the outdoor runs. I've been putting my Garmin and Flip Belt to good use and I cannot wrap my head around how I trained for my half last summer without them. Life changing! 

I keep trying to tell myself food is fuel.... Food is fuel. And I've done pretty good.

But that's because I keep reminding myself how I ate this last week....

Yup.... The whole freaking cake. Lucas maybe had two pieces. I am still slightly mortified when I recall that... It was over 4 days but still..... 

Balance of life has been thrown lately and I am struggling to find my groove. But with the warm weather and daylight savings time, I am hoping it will hit soon because this mama wants to turn 30  looking better than I did at 20... Wait, already did that. Ok, 18! 

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