Saturday, March 28, 2015


When I first started this blog I wanted to prove that today's woman could do it all- be a fit, money saavy Christian mom, wife, and friend. And I think those people exist- I just have accepted that I am NOT one of those people. Any time I focus on one thing, something else goes. And then I just feel guilt about that thing that goes (it's usually fitness or being money saavy... Or let's be honest, being s good friend!) But these last couple weeks I've just begun to accept that these things nature ebb and flow for me. Sometimes I talk to my friends every week and sometimes it's once a month. Sometimes I'm at the top of my running game and dreaming of Boston and tonight when I saw I had to run 20 mins I laughed out loud and crashed on the couch. And it's okay- there's tomorrow to do it. 

So that was the heavy topic on my mind and the reason the blog has once again been lacking... I feel like that's the story of my life lately. And this... 

But I'm not throwing in the towel... I turn 29 in a couple weeks and maybe that will give me the kick in the rear I need to snap out of the funk I've been in :) 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Save your life!

Here is a great reason to run- unfortunately I feel so sick and crappy right now I can't even muster up 5 minutes but maybe next week!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Down with the head cold!

I don't care what people say- I do not run even when a cold is just in my head. Let's pretend that it's in my chest eh? Poor Lucas has it too and we finally got him on meds today!

It's too bad because the weather is gorgeous these past few days. Great running weather. I'm about a week behind in my Couch to 5K program because of Lucas being sick and needing round the clock care but I'm determined to get back to being healthy after devouring one fourth of a birthday cake by myself! I got a Bountiful Baskets this weekend and it was full of yummy veggies and fruits. Ok I am lying to myself about the veggies.... But mind over matter right? Ha!

I may not be where I want to be with 90% of things in life right now but I am proud to say that we finally got Lucas' college fund set up today. A friend recommended a financial advisor and he was great. Can't wait until a year and a half from now when we get to meet and set up our retirement accounts because we are out of debt.

That's all I have for now- sorry it's not much! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March Madness

Oh March… you snuck up on me. I don’t really know where February went.  I do know that it was not an easy month.  You can always tell that something is going on in my life when I just stop blogging altogether for a few weeks… especially when I am planning a big event like Lucas’ first birthday party and have so much to share.

The reason for the lack of chatter is because we were looking at a big decision in our family… and before you think it’s whether or not to have a second baby, STOP.  I was looking at changing jobs.  This was a big deal for me because there is a lot I love about my current job.  However, I also spend a significant amount of time on the road which is not something I love, especially in a nice Minnesota winter.  There were a LOT of factors to look at.  After numerous debates and talking to anyone close to me that would listen, I decided to stay with my current job.  It was a bittersweet decision as I am turning down some things that would have been better for us, but in the end it was the best decision for our family at this point in our lives.

Needless to say, with all that stress going on, my health and fitness went to the way side.  I haven’t officially weighed in but I would say I’m up at least 2-3 pounds (which looks like 5-10 pounds on me).  I ate like crap.  I hardly worked out.  I didn’t drink my water every day.  And in the end, I decided that I need to stop trying to do it all right now when it comes to health.  I would LOVE to be doing strength training and running right now, but the guilt over doing one or the other (not even thinking about doing BOTH) was just weighing my down.  So I decided to really focus on running and getting that back up and going in my life and adding the strength training a little bit later… Date TBD... Never sounds good. 

Along the way, I’ve found a couple of funnies related to running.

First, I would LOVE to try this.  

If you can’t read the picture very well, that’s an Inflatable 5K.

Second, I think I experience this regardless of whether I am running or not.  RUNGER.

Can you tell that one of my goals has been to power through the 3 stacks of magazines that have built up over the last year?  I have sadly cancelled all of my subscriptions except for People.  I just don’t have the time right now to read them and my husband has been nagging me nonstop to get rid of them.  So if you work with me and are looking for me over lunch time, I will be in my office trying to power through one a day. 

So I’m going to try to be back… and focused… although with Lucas’ first birthday approaching it’s a gentle (slap in the face hard) reminder that I have not slept through the night in at least a year.  Ouch.  Sweet boy has a bad cough and a new tooth coming in this week so has spent the last 2 nights in bed with me at some point for the remainder of the evening.  This too shall pass though and I find myself saying “Time is going way too fast” a lot lately.  It’s amazing how much my life has changed in the past year and how much it will continue to change in the years to come.

And on that heavy note, I’m off. It's a rest day. Yes! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Do it- now :)

Here is my fun random thought for the day. It's March- which at my house means change your toothbrush time. So if you can't remember the last time you changed yours- do it now.

Also change your monthly contacts and razor blade if applicable.

You're welcome :)