Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pre- marathon

I know what everyone is thinking…. So did she do the half-marathon or is her blog quiet because she completely bailed or failed miserably.  Well… YES, I did it and I rocked it.  

But that is for another day.  This post is focused on the days leading up to the half marathon.

There was a LOT of anxiety last week that I was not ready for.  I knew I would be nervous but I didn’t realize that all of my focus had been on the running part of the half marathon and I knew nothing about what to eat… when to pick up my packet… how the race was organized.  I probably should have been doing some research on those things in addition to running.  I asked my friend Kendra a lot of questions and I ate a LOT of carbs…. All week.  Lucas and I took it to a new level.  My pants no longer fit.  Gaining weight during a half marathon training is a real thing, but let’s be honest- I just ate too much.

Friday night, Lucas did not want to sleep by himself.  At all.  The poor little guy is getting some more teeth and has a cold so he just wanted to cuddle.  I lost it on my poor husband around 3:30 a.m. and he finally got Lucas to fall asleep on him from 4-7….

My mom came on Saturday to go to the Race Expo with me in case Lucas was a wild man (he ended up being really good) so I was able to get a 45 minute nap that day at least. WHEW!  I got my packet and shirt and checked out a few exhibits.  After seeing pictures of the Expo from big marathons, I was disappointed but I did find a cute “Run” necklace that I bought myself.

And my shirt looks ridiculous: 

I will never wash it… which means I will probably never wear it.  At least it won’t fade right?

We went out to Pizza Ranch buffet for supper Saturday night and I ate my weight in pizza…. Yum!  After supper, my mom took Lucas to the park so that I could get everything packed.

Not pictured are my sunglasses, headphones, and Kleenex, all of which I remembered at a different time.  Yes, those are clean white socks… they are so disgusting looking but they’re my favorite socks and I figured no one would see them.

Saturday night I went to bed after Lucas did…. He pushed his bedtime back to 9:00this week which makes evenings a little more hectic for me but at least he is sleeping until 6:00 or so again instead of 5:30.

I had to get up once with him Saturday nightbut he quickly went back to sleep and so did I.  Mike got home at 4:55 and since my alarm was going off at 5:15 I just laid in bed until it went off… I got dressed, made coffee and ate a bagel and banana.  I met Kendra in my car and off we went… and the rest is for another day! 

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