Monday, February 15, 2016

A White House Meal Plan and Prep

Here is the meal plan that I set in place for last week:

Pre-workout: Energize

Post-workout: Recover

Breakfast: Shake with fruit and PB toast 

Snack:  Eggs 

Lunch:  Spaghetti squash with spaghetti meat, butternut squash, and sweet potato 

Snack:  Celery with PB and fruit and nuts 

Supper:  Red, Yellow, Green 

Ham with potato and veggie

Crockpot potato, turkey and veggie

Steaks with veggie and potato 

Banana oat pancakes with eggs 

Snack:  Fruit

Here is what I needed to do for my meal prep:

I love the Lucas scribbles- I'm so fancy as you guys know :)

I baked the spaghetti squash and butternut squash together on 350 for an hour.

We had spaghetti the night I meal peepers and so I just made a double batch for my lunches for the week.

And then it was just a matter of using my 21 Day Fix containers to measure everything out!

I cannot rave enough about the Banana Oat Pancakes from the Fixate cookbook. You can pick up your copy here: 

Fixate™ (US):

It made enough that I actually substituted it for my breakfast the next day. What I love most about the cookbook is that it tells me how many 21 Day Fix containers each recipe is so it makes it pretty mindless as far as planning goes.

The crockpot turkey recipe turned out really gross so nothing to share there :( and we are still eating ham haha 

Hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing President's Day! 

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