Can I just say how happy it makes my heart when I get texts from readers on things I should try? On the list of things that I am on the lookout for are Caramel Apple and Pumpkin Pie Oreos and test Pillsbury pumpkin cookies.. I love all things fall (except the colder weather and start of my job again- just kidding on one of those...)
I don't always just try food products. I've always heard rave reviews about these wipes but with smells like grapefruit, blueberry and carrot I could never get on the bandwagon. But coconut?!? I can definitely do that.
Unfortunately my skin was a little too sensitive for these wipes. I am hoping it will get better because I love the smell and how clean they made my skin feel but they left it a little irritated the first try.

I am a big fan of the idea of salads but I am not one who is going to throw a good one together myself. So I was excited to find these Dole companions for a reasonable price. I tried two different kinds (failed to get a pic of the first) and they were pretty good. I divided it into two servings and I had plenty of toppings and dressing.

I meant to talk about this yogurt when I did my huge yogurt review a couple weeks ago BUT I forgot it in the fridge at one of my districts so I left a friend eat it for me. I managed to pick myself up another one (Hy-vee find) and we both agree- it's amazing. Its dessert in yogurt form!
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