Friday, April 22, 2016

How I Meal Plan

I have been getting a LOT of questions about meal planning and people interested in it, but they seem so overwhelmed by it.  I used to spend a LOT of time meal planning, but since I’ve started following the 21 Day Fix guidelines, I find it much easier.

I fall in Plan A for the 21 Day Fix which means I get the following:
3 Green (Vegetables)
2 Purple (Fruits)
4 Red (Proteins/Carb heavy vegetables)
2 Yellow
1 Blue
1 Orange
2 teaspoons

I also add an extra yellow because I have personally found I need the extra carb when running to prevent myself from getting hangry.

Most of the people I coach fall in to Plan B of the 21 Day Fix which means they get the following:
4 Green (Vegetables)
3 Purple (Fruits)
4 Red (Proteins/Carb heavy vegetables)
3 Yellow
1 Blue
1 Orange
4 teaspoons

So this is how I map out my meals:
  1.             I eat 3 meals, a morning snack, and an afternoon snack
  2.             I want a yellow, red and either a green or purple at each meal
  3.              I fill in my snacks with what is left

90% of the time this is how my meal plan A looks
Breakfast: Red, yellow, purple
Morning snack: Red
Lunch: Red, yellow, green, orange
Afternoon snack: Green, Blue, Purple (sometimes I have this purple in the morning)
Supper: Red, yellow, green, 2 teaspoons

Pre-Workout: Energize from Beachbody Performance Line
Post-Workout: Recover from Beachbody Performance Line

If I were to do a meal plan B, this is how it would look:
Breakfast: Red, yellow, purple
Morning snack: Red, purple
Lunch: Red, yellow, green, green, orange
Afternoon snack: Blue, Purple, 2 teaspoons
Supper: Red, yellow, green, green, 2 teaspoons

Pre-Workout: Energize from Beachbody Performance Line
Post-Workout: Recover from Beachbody Performance Line

And then I fill in each area with what I want.  I tend to do the same breakfast, lunch and snack for the week or pick two things and alternate them if I want some variety and then I make a list of suppers what I want to have for the week.

use my Fixate cookbook a lot because it tells me exactly what each recipe is by containers- foolproof. You can buy yours here:

Do NOT overcomplicate the process and let it feel overwhelming.  Meal planning is one of the number one keys to your success! 

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