So I am letting go of this past week and just moving forward with my training as of today so 50 minutes on the bike tonight and looking down the barrel at 7 miles tomorrow..... Ow in advance. I thought I may never walk again after the pain in my foot yesterday so I am just excited to be walking today! Note to self: flip flops are NOT appropriate walking shoes, even when walking to the pool.
I am also trying to let go of our budget drama from this month. I'm not sure if I ever posted but I paid off my second to last student loan in June and it felt SO good. And then the fence fell over and out the door goes 6 grand. Ouch ouch ouch. So yes, I was proud we could set that aside this month (thank you bonus paycheck!) but I have been PISSED that money is not going towards my last loan... We were looking at beinf debt free except for the house by the end of the year (3 months earlier than my big goal of by 30) and now we will be lucky to hit our original goal.
But I am letting it go and moving forward... So here is a post I wrote about a month ago to let go of all the past ;)
I am excited to share my first review of Bluum box. I bought a one year subscription for about $220 so it's roughly $20 a month.
Here is a little information about Bluum from their web site: Bluum has a team of experts who put together a personalized box of 4-6 full size products for mom and baby, based on your child's age, gender, and developmental stage, as well as your lifestyle choices, milestones, and needs that your little one encounters. The age range begins at pregnancy and goes all the way up to 5 years.
I have seen previous boxes that had a LOT more stuff so I was a little surprised when mine only had 4 products, but after reading this description, it makes sense. They moved from having multiple sample sizes to full size products-- I like the idea, as long as I like the product of course.
Here is what I got in my box:
Kids' My Plate- 4 section: This plate is so cute and durable and I love that it reminds me to give Lucas something from each of the food groups... sadly for him, there is no section for "crack-os" which is what he calls Oreos. We worked on cookie a lot yesterday so now he calls them "cook-cook crack-os". We try :) Retail $8.95
The Three Billy Goats Gruff book: Ironically, Mike and I had been trying to recall this story at a previous trip to the zoo so I was excited to get it! It has great pictures. Unfortunately, it's pretty wordy and Lucas does not want to sit through it all. Retail $6.99
Boedreux's Rash Preventor: I was a little hesitant about an aerosol rash cream but wow, what a good idea. Lucas thinks it's fun which makes that part of diaper changing a lot easier (the rest is still an Olympic sport). It's been pretty effective too! Retail $9.79
Toysmith Water Wheel Tube: Another exciting product because I've been thinking about getting Lucas one of these and then there it was. Lucas definitely enjoys this one at bath time! Retail $9.99
So approximately $35 of stuff for under $20 and wins on all of the products. I can't wait for my next box!
If you think Bluum is for you, please click on
this link so we both earn points towards future products.
As excited as I was about my Bluum box, my Birchbox still has me disappointed 2 weeks after getting it. Here is the story: I was SUPPOSED to get my box on June 11 (the date stands out because it was my wedding anniversary). I saw the preview email and I was so excited about every. single. product. All of them looked fun and exciting and exactly what I wanted. June 11 goes by...12...13...14...15...16.... no Birchbox. I finally contacted the company and they did send me a replacement box. And it was NOT the same products. They had warned me that was a possibility, but I think because I was SO excited about the other products, I was more disappointed than I would have been otherwise.
It always looks so pretty when it comes in the mail.
Pure Vida Lace Headband: This is a really pretty headband and they scored brownie points by sending me mine in my favorite color, aqua. Unfortunately, I don't use headbands a lot outside of running. This one is a little too dainty for my style but maybe one day I will get myself together.
Marcelle Mini Waterproof Eyeliner: This product has been untouched and will show up later (teaser!)
TOCCA Eau de Parfum, Bianca: I enjoyed this scent but will probably not be purchasing as it's not one of my favorites- but always fun to try new things right? They have several other scents from this company that would be fun to try.
Temple Spa Good Hair Day Shampoo: This did a nice job cleaning my hair but it has an aromatherapy smell that I just didn't dig... personal preference. I stored it in my travel bag for future use.
Templa Spa In Good Condition Conditioner: Unlike the shampoo, the conditioner had a fresh minty smell which was really rejuvenating. I liked this one a lot!
Derma Clear Micro Water: I have very sensitive skin when it comes to makeup removers (nothing else, so weird!) and so I was a little hesitant to try this product but I have to say, it worked really well and did not burn my eyes like crazy like most of them do. It tastes really gross-- do not cut corners and try to rip off the plastic cover with your mouth. Trust me on this.
Although Birchbox is only $10 a month and I always feel like I get my money's worth, after my sad experience I am taking a break from renewing my subscription (I got 3 months as a gift from my mom for my birthday).
Plus I spent all my fun money for the month on the FIXATE cookbook and a pair of flip flops... oops.