Thursday, July 30, 2015


Hey gang-

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. The days are flying by (17 days left before I have to go back to work- yuck!) but I have just been in a funk this week. I think it started with my grandpa's funeral, started to snowball when we took Lucas' pacifier away and then I decided it would be a good idea to go to the cabin for one last get away before swimming lessons started and we were home for the rest of the summer.... I feel like we have just been non stop running and I want to hit the pause button. It doesn't surprise me that my entire family has gotten sick this week. 

All of that said, I haven't been doing much outside of taking care of Lucas (no daycare this week of course). I did do a 6 mile run on Wednesday to make up for not doing a long run on Sunday and I did yoga once this week but I am two runs and a strength train behind... I also tried to do the 21 day fix again and already ate a blizzard on Day 2. In my defense it was for Children's Miracle Network... And my tummy :)

So I'm just not in the best of mindset right now... Looking forward to next week when things start to go back to normal. 

Sorry to be a downer but also wanted to be honest that things aren't always sunshine and roses. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Thanks to everyone for the messages and prayers. My sweet grandpa passed away on Monday and the funeral is on Friday. Nothing like getting that text message while you are having a great day at the zoo with your family... Life doesn't always work the way we want it to. So this vacation has been bittersweet with some moments of sadness and tears but I am focusing on having a good time because that's what my Grandpa would have wanted and done- I can't remember a time until my final goodbye that I didn't see him in a good mood and loving life.

This trip has been a workout, that's for sure. Take a one year old to places he loves and just let him go and you can pretty much skip the workouts... Except I haven't. I did half ass a couple but I feel justified. Sunday night I didn't get to hit the treadmill until 9 for my 5k after a day of trying to pack and do laundry so I didn't set any speed goals that's for sure. There was also the two Dairy Queen trips I made to get a brownie batter blizzard to celebrate National Ice Cream Day because the first one was out of brownies. 

It actually wasn't that great...

Lucas didn't want anything to do with his either... Who is this child? 

Monday I did 10 minute trainer yoga because it's al I could get to load on my Beachbody On Demand at the hotel.... Our hotel kind of sucks, Internet included. But it was cheap and since we really shouldn't be on vacation and saving for our new fence, I am keeping the complaints to a minimum. But this will be the last vacations we take and go cheap because next summer we will be debt free!

I decided to switch around my cross train and 4 mile run days and hit the elliptical last night in the hotel gym.

I used to HATE the elliptical but I actually didn't mind it last night... Watching the Bachelorette Men Tell All made time go faster.

This morning we went to a local park so I could run. Mike took Lucas for a stroll and I hit the trail.

Wish my every day running scenery was like this!

Plus I got to run across state lines a couple times!

I got cocky and did the stairs a couple times.

Which resulted in me getting made fun of by an old man as I ran through the sprinklers to cool off.

I made sure to stay away from these little forest friends....

I also had a pretty horrific experience in the porta potty when there was no toilet paper but I will spare you those details.

Our eats on this trip have been pretty sub-par although good stories. Our hotel has a decent breakfast and lunches have been various fast food. Monday we are at the most ghetto Godfathers...

But Tuesday night I definitely found a more ghetto BBQ joint... And I dragged my poor dear friend Liz there with me.

It's been 7 (?!?) years since we lived together and as soon as she got out of the car we were laughing... Mike swears it wasn't a bullet hole in the window but I'm still not convinced... Oh well, couldn't beat the company! This girl was there for me during one of the most stressful times of my life (GRE and figuring out grad school were not good times) and I love that she was willing to drive to come meet Lucas and hang out with Mike and I.

Tonight we ate at the Voodoo Taco at the  Nebraska Crossing Outlet. Food was decent but Lucas was in full toddler mode so it was short. Thankfully there was only a couple people there. 

Next time we come, we need to plan better. I had hauled a bunch of food down to make lunches at the hotel but with the timing of everything, we didn't make it back to the hotel ever. So back home it all comes.

Oh well, the places we visited were amazing and Lucas had a great time. We spent two days enjoying the zoo. 

And today we went to the Children's Museum. 

You should know that he FREAKED about a minute in. It was funny in a terrible kind of way because it went from fun and exciting to worst thing ever. Thankfully he was the only kid on so the attendant stopped it pretty quickly. 

Plan is to wake up tomorrow, eat and work out, shower and pack up and head home.... I have my grandpa's visitation in the evening so I want to have a little time to change and get ready for that.

Hope everyone is having a great week! 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Rest Days

I am really enjoying this week of training after my hotter than hell run on Thursday because I get TWO rest days this week and I am supposed to do a 5k race tomorrow. I couldn't get to a race because Mike had a softball tournament today and I couldn't find a local race tomorrow so I'm going to go out and race myself.... Hopefully. My left foot is killing me today so I was grateful for the rest.

I am also grateful because I have no physical energy. Yesterday started off great because I got to go cuddle my friend's twins.

Aren't they the cutest? That's my second day of baby snuggles this week and nope, no baby fever. I think they are adorable and love cuddling them, but still 100% happy with just my main man.

Things got pretty crazy around here on a Saturday night.

We got tired so we cuddled up for the Tigger movie. Lucas is obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. I can quote almost the first 20 minutes of the classic Pooh. 

After Lucas went to bed, I tackled this monster.

I blew it up myself, no pump. Yes, I know it's lopsided. I am hoping Mike can blow some more into it when he gets home... I'm out of air.

Just realized I went off on a tangent about my fun Saturday and didn't finish why Friday sucked... And today sucked too when I thought about it. My grandpa is not doing well and when I went to visit him yesterday, it was very very difficult. I won't share what exactly happened but just know that I don't wish anyone having to see a grandparent or loved one like that ever. They have taken him to the hospital today and have been able to make him more comfortable but I know the end is near and when I said good-bye to him yesterday, I knew it could be the last time. Please keep my family in your prayers as he and grandma are the glue that holds that side together. They are so in love and such a good role model for myself and Mike.

Alright time to watch some crappy TV and then crawl into bed. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Out with the old, in with the new

So I am letting go of this past week and just moving forward with my training as of today so 50 minutes on the bike tonight and looking down the barrel at 7 miles tomorrow..... Ow in advance. I thought I may never walk again after the pain in my foot yesterday so I am just excited to be walking today! Note to self: flip flops are NOT appropriate walking shoes, even when walking to the pool. 

I am also trying to let go of our budget drama from this month. I'm not sure if I ever posted but I paid off my second to last student loan in June and it felt SO good. And then the fence fell over and out the door goes 6 grand. Ouch ouch ouch. So yes, I was proud we could set that aside this month (thank you bonus paycheck!) but I have been PISSED that money is not going towards my last loan... We were looking at beinf debt free except for the house by the end of the year (3 months earlier than my big goal of by 30) and now we will be lucky to hit our original goal.

But I am letting it go and moving forward... So here is a post I wrote about a month ago to let go of all the past ;) 

I am excited to share my first review of Bluum box.  I bought a one year subscription for about $220 so it's roughly $20 a month.  

Here is a little information about Bluum from their web site: Bluum has a team of experts who put together a personalized box of 4-6 full size products for mom and baby, based on your child's age, gender, and developmental stage, as well as your lifestyle choices, milestones, and needs that your little one encounters.  The age range begins at pregnancy and goes all the way up to 5 years.

I have seen previous boxes that had a LOT more stuff so I was a little surprised when mine only had 4 products, but after reading this description, it makes sense.  They moved from having multiple sample sizes to full size products-- I like the idea, as long as I like the product of course. 

Here is what I got in my box:

Kids' My Plate- 4 section:  This plate is so cute and durable and I love that it reminds me to give Lucas something from each of the food groups... sadly for him, there is no section for "crack-os" which is what he calls Oreos.  We worked on cookie a lot yesterday so now he calls them "cook-cook crack-os".  We try :)  Retail $8.95

The Three Billy Goats Gruff book:  Ironically, Mike and I had been trying to recall this story at a previous trip to the zoo so I was excited to get it!  It has great pictures.  Unfortunately, it's pretty wordy and Lucas does not want to sit through it all.  Retail $6.99

Boedreux's Rash Preventor:  I was a little hesitant about an aerosol rash cream but wow, what a good idea.  Lucas thinks it's fun which makes that part of diaper changing a lot easier (the rest is still an Olympic sport).  It's been pretty effective too!  Retail $9.79

Toysmith Water Wheel Tube:  Another exciting product because I've been thinking about getting Lucas one of these and then there it was.  Lucas definitely enjoys this one at bath time!  Retail $9.99

So approximately $35 of stuff for under $20 and wins on all of the products.  I can't wait for my next box!

If you think Bluum is for you, please click on this link so we both earn points towards future products.

As excited as I was about my Bluum box, my Birchbox still has me disappointed 2 weeks after getting it.  Here is the story:  I was SUPPOSED to get my box on June 11 (the date stands out because it was my wedding anniversary).  I saw the preview email and I was so excited about every. single. product.  All of them looked fun and exciting and exactly what I wanted.  June 11 goes by...12...13...14...15...16.... no Birchbox.  I finally contacted the company and they did send me a replacement box.  And it was NOT the same products.  They had warned me that was a possibility, but I think because I was SO excited about the other products, I was more disappointed than I would have been otherwise.

It always looks so pretty when it comes in the mail.

Inside my box:

Pure Vida Lace Headband:  This is a really pretty headband and they scored brownie points by sending me mine in my favorite color, aqua.  Unfortunately, I don't use headbands a lot outside of running.  This one is a little too dainty for my style but maybe one day I will get myself together.

Marcelle Mini Waterproof Eyeliner:  This product has been untouched and will show up later (teaser!)

TOCCA Eau de Parfum, Bianca:  I enjoyed this scent but will probably not be purchasing as it's not one of my favorites- but always fun to try new things right?  They have several other scents from this company that would be fun to try.

Temple Spa Good Hair Day Shampoo:  This did a nice job cleaning my hair but it has an aromatherapy smell that I just didn't dig... personal preference.  I stored it in my travel bag for future use.

Templa Spa In Good Condition Conditioner:  Unlike the shampoo, the conditioner had a fresh minty smell which was really rejuvenating.  I liked this one a lot!

Derma Clear Micro Water:  I have very sensitive skin when it comes to makeup removers (nothing else, so weird!) and so I was a little hesitant to try this product but I have to say, it worked really well and did not burn my eyes like crazy like most of them do.  It tastes really gross-- do not cut corners and try to rip off the plastic cover with your mouth.  Trust me on this.

Although Birchbox is only $10 a month and I always feel like I get my money's worth, after my sad experience I am taking a break from renewing my subscription (I got 3 months as a gift from my mom for my birthday).

Plus I spent all my fun money for the month on the FIXATE cookbook and a pair of flip flops... oops.

Books, books, books!

Happy Thursday everyone!  It is raining here which doesn't bode well for me getting my 4 miles in before I have to pick Lucas up from daycare.... and the strength training that's supposed to happen on top of that.  We shall see.

I didn't want to do my 4 miles on Tuesday either and found myself at 8:30 p.m. (why do I not go run as soon as I drop Lucas off... oh because I come back and SLEEP that's why..lazy bones!) wandering around the bathroom, slowly getting ready, telling Mike that I was going to do it in the morning.  He looked at me, laughed, and said "Do it and forget it".  I rolled my eyes and then contemplated what he said.  He was right to laugh- there was NO WAY on Wednesday when I woke up would I have gone out and ran 4 miles. So I got it done but I was very sore yesterday, which is partially why I am avoiding today's run.  My legs still haven't recovered and I'm scared I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

We had a pretty low key day yesterday.  Lucas took an early nap from 8-10 a.m. so I also took an early nap (if you think I slept for 2 hours straight, I did not.  I was interrupted multiple times by the dog, as well as Lucas fussing midway but thankfully putting himself back to sleep).  We woke up (okay, he woke up and that woke me up) and headed to the library.  I try to take Lucas at least once a week because I love books and I want him to share that love.  Right now, his love includes eating puffs as we walk there and playing in the bean bag chairs.  Baby steps right?

Speaking of books and related things, three things I want to share:

1- You have to check and see if your library lets you access Zinio for free.  It's an app (download the Zinio for Libraries app, not the regular Zinio app) that allows you to download the latest issue of over 70 magazines.  Titles I downloaded:
Runner's World
Good Housekeeping
The Oprah Magazine
Organic Life
Weight Watchers
Women's Day
Women's Health
Working Mother
Natural Health
Ladie's Home Journal

And for the men I just noticed Mike downloaded the following:
Do It Yourself
The Family Handyman
Men's Health
Popular Mechanics
Popular Science

I am in LOVE with this app!

2- Another app that I just learned about is Blinkist.  You basically download a shortened audiobook of many non-fiction books and it gives you the highlights in 15-20 minutes.  Pretty cool right?  The only crappy part is that it's only free for the first 3 days.  I tested out a few audiobooks and will probably not be paying for it any time soon (I have lots of podcasts I still need to catch up on), but I definitely wish I would have used it for item #3.

3- I have been postponing blogging about one of the books on my "New Year list" because I just didn't have much to say about it:  The Anti 9 to 5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube by Michelle Goodman.  

I dragged my feet to read it and then had to rush to read it in 2 days because it was due and I couldn't renew it since I got it from a library outside my library system.  I think the book was pretty well written but the advice just seemed redundant and not really relative to me.  I actually ended up skipping several chapters.  And turns out, I'm not really that interested in leaving my job any time soon.  I would love to set up something I can do from home for a second income but I don't see myself committing the time it would take for that any time soon with a 1 year old keeping me busy.

If you want to review books that I loved more, remember that there are tabs at the top of my blog, including a "Books" one.

After the library, we had lunch and then headed to the zoo.  Lucas fell asleep on the way over so Mike suggested ice cream.  I wanted a Brownie Batter Blizzard but we were closer to Milky Way so I settled for a Brownie Sundae.  It was pretty yummy but I WILL have a Brownie Batter Blizzard before the summer is over.

The zoo is always entertaining for Lucas... today's fascination was the birds/ducks. 

Still doesn't want to take a selfie with me... 

We came home, had supper and played with Lucas until bedtime.  Then I took my bike out for a 2.5 mile spin, came home, and read until bedtime.  My in laws gave me quite a few books when we were at the cabin so I've been reading those- on the docket now is Standup Guy by Stuart Woods.  I'm a third of the way done with it so it must be good.

Alright, off to eat some lunch and then find some motivation... yes, in THAT order.

Snacks.... Yum Yum

I think you all have come to realize that I love snack food... sweet, salty, sweet AND salty.  Which is why when I had a chance to get a free box from Graze I was super excited.

I did the 4 snack variety box and feel like I got a really nice variety.

Strawberries and Cream Granola topper-- this tasted delicious on some yogurt and I liked that it was only 130 calories.  Most granola is full of calories so I often avoid it.  Lucas approved it too!

Nature's Essential Nutrient Nuts-- nothing wrong with a snack full of nuts but it was pretty high in calories so I gifted it to Mike.

Original Three Seed Protein Flapjack-- I was a little hesitant about this one because it was higher in calories than I usually like for a snack but I decided to count it as my protein for the day.  It looked plain but it was DELICIOUS!

Barbecue Sub-- This was another one that I eyed cautiously before trying it but I really liked it and it was low in calories-only 80!

I also appreciated the warning they gave on the box....

 Definitely something I would have made a mess of.

If you would like to try your own Graze box, please use the following code so I get credit: KAYLAD3FE

You can also use this coupon to get your 1st and 5th box free with this code: KAYLAD3FB

Thanks in advance if you decide to try :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Playing Catch Up

This is probably one of the first times I haven't written for a few days because I've been skipping workouts and eating junk and I was too embarrassed to admit it. I have been eating junk but I only skipped one workout :) Although I'm not sure that the fact that I've been reading Grey (the male perspective of 50 Shades of Grey) in every spare minute is a less embarrassing reason. I always guarantee 100% honest. And honestly, I couldn't put the damn thing down. I finished it last night so once I get caught up on sleep, real life should resume :) 

Saturday Mike picked up an extra shift so Lucas and I played all day inside since it was SO hot outside. We did venture out for a tour of the fire hall with Daddy when he got off work.

I 100% thought this was someone lying on the floor dead and may have had a heart attack when I saw it. Lucas just casually walked up and started poking it. No fear in that little boy.

Saturday night I convinced Mike to put air in my bike so I could have a real bike ride instead of riding the treadmill. I haven't ridden since grad school and have a super cheap bike from Walmart but it was definitely an experience.

My trail at night... Pictures don't do the beauty justice.

Had a stare down with a deer on the way.  She let me stop and take her picture and never ran away. Like I said, Snow White in training here.

Sunday was another hot one. We loaded up the car to go to the splash pad (which turned out to be a wading pool- misinformed!) but it didn't open until 1 and it was 12:25. So we drove over to the Butterfly House/Marine Cove instead. We ended up buying a family membership because it was twice the cost of admission so I figured if we came back one more time in the next year, it would pay for itself. And it's open year round so I think it will be a great place to visit in the winter when we need to get out of the house.

Lucas probably could have made it in the bubble himself. But I couldn't resist the opportunity.

Lucas did not want to play my family photo game.

Taking a picture with just Mommy was also a no go.

We made a trip to Costco before heading home.

I love my snacks. Sweet. Salty. Why decide? (P.S. Got my tank from Hungry Runner Girl. I did have to tie it in the back because it was super long but it is so soft it doesn't matter. She is selling them here again if you are interested.) 

I needed to load up on snacks because I had 6 miles on the agenda. I didn't head out the door until 8:30 p.m. because we were busy throwing toys under the treadmill. 

It was SO hot out that I knew I was going to do part outside and part inside. A lot of debate went into it and I decided on 3.5 outside and 2.5 inside.

Even though it was 90 degrees outside, I decided to go outside first.

Can you see the sweat dripping off my elbow?!

When I got home, I chugged some water and laid in front of the fan for a few minutes.

I knew I was hot and sweaty, but I did not expect THIS when I got up.

Gross! I put in 2.5 on the treadmill, stretched for a long time and then... We booked our trip to Omaha! Mike got a part timer to cover for him. Yes!! If anyone has suggestions for kid friendly places to visit or eat, let me know!

Yesterday I road tripped with a high school friend to see another high school friend and her new baby. Driving across any part of South Dakota is SO boring and requires coffee!

Baby snuggles are the best. Bad pic of me so focus on the cuteness of the baby! 

Ok that's it. My day ended with finishing Grey and blowing off a workout :) We will see what today brings! 

Friday, July 10, 2015

It's not the 4th anymore!!

Fireworks are acceptable on 4th of July but no longer people! I should not get out of the shower and feel like I need to hit the deck because it sounds like bombs are going off outside.... Jerks.  

Today was a 4 mile run and strength day. I got the important part done and did 4 miles but no strength... I didn't head out the door until 8:40 for my run and since it took me about an hour to complete 4 miles (more to come on why it took me so long), I knew I needed to just shower and go to bed. Just me and Lucas tomorrow and Newton's law (or some behavioral psychologist... Skinner maybe) is that if I stay up late, he will wake up early. 

Today's run was rough.... I was not in the right head space to run and I definitely hadn't fueled or hydrated properly. 

Not good pre-run fuel... Not really that good either sadly. Good thing I got them free... If I remember to complete mail-in rebate....

I also experimented with listening to a podcast instead of music which may not have helped... There are some things in life you cannot multitask... At least I can't. 

It started off well... I even made a friend with a woodland creature.

Just call me Snow White.

But at my 1.5 mile point, I knew it was time to turn around. I was woozy, dragging and my stomach was starting to indicate the potential for issues. So I came home, devoured an incredible amount of watermelon, and hit the treadmill for one more mile to finish off the 4.

This container was almost full when I started.... #hungrygirlproblems

In case I was too doom and gloom and "my child needs to be perfect" yesterday, I have to share this story so you know that 99% of the time I roll with the punches. So we went to library story hour today. Lucas is the youngest to attend (it's for ages birth to 3) but they sing, read books and do a project (ok I do the art project) and it's a free local activity so we go. Today's art project is to paint a cow... With Q-tips. I was expecting that Lucas and I would be covered head to toe in paint (Mike wisely stayed back against the wall) but I was not prepared at how quickly he got that q-tip in his mouth and got a black mouth. I thought it was hilarious but the librarian was immediately running for baby wipes... Of course it would be my kid ;)!  

I promise you that when I was pregnant, I expected to be the uptight mom who was constantly sanitizing and wiping my child down. And maybe at first I was. But I feel like I am a pretty chill, roll with life parent. My being upset with the teeth is not about him possibly needing braces one day since I half expected it since Mike had them (my genes couldn't crush all of his).... What upsets me is that my actions potentially caused it. Mike says he did a lot of research and it's likely genetic and not because of  the pacifier so my guilt is lessening and the pity party guests are slowly creeping to the door, but I'm still not 100% guilt free yet. I'm also still 100% convinced taking the paci away is going to be hell on earth.

Hope everyone had a great Friday and has fun plans for weekend- it's going to be HOT! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pity party

Every night I thank God for Lucas but tonight I'm definitely thanking him that I have great friends in my life too.

I had a shitty day yesterday. There is no nice way to say it. I took Lucas to the dentist and while he wasn't traumatized by the experience, I was.  According to the dentist, Lucas already has an overbite that is "pretty profound actually" most likely due to his pacifier. I don't even know what else happened after that because I instantly went into mommy guilt and grief. When we first have him a paci, I swore up and down it would be gone at a year. And then it was this summer when he didn't have daycare for a week. And then just last week I was telling Mike I didn't think he was ready and we should wait. Obviously we should NOT wait because I don't want to do more damage! I cried most of the way home and at various points throughout the day. I just feel so guilty and responsible. As someone who at one point had to go to the dentist two days in a row to get 13 mini cavities filled (thanks mom and dad for skimping on the anti cavity treatment when I was younger), I've tried really hard to be diligent about brushing Lucas' teeth and he rarely gets juice. But obviously that wasn't enough. 
My dear friend Kay gave me the pep talk of a lifetime today and told me I can have a pity party until Sunday night and then I have to wake up Monday and stop being sad.

Double blow yesterday was that Mike requested the wrong days off (seriously need to work on our communication) and we are no longer taking a family vacation to Omaha in a couple weeks. I was already in a low mood and that just sent me over the edge.

Although I did indulge in some pity chips and chocolate, I also packed Lucas in the jogging stroller and we did a 2 mile run with a stop at the park midway. Mama needed some pounding to make the negative thoughts go away.

I had to work today and I am really excited about a project that I get to be a part of and got to listen to someone I consider a work role model so I took today as my rest day. 4 miles and strength tomorrow.

I also wanted to share for all my 21 day fix fans that I am switching back to the 1200-1500 plan. I had let myself go up a calorie level because I was running but since I end up eating a treat every day  I am actually taking on too many each day. Since I haven't been successful at not having a great, we will go this route and cross our fingers :) I did turn down fresh, warm cinnamon rolls today... My treat ended u being strawberry jello salad so I should have had he roll when it was in front of me ;) 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The struggle is real folks....

Maybe I should have waited until the leftovers were gone to start 21 Day Fix... I don't think it's okay to count angel food cake or Funferti cake as a yellow.... And vegetable pizza is definitely NOT a green. My bad. The struggle between wanting a 6 pack and wanting a sleeve of Ritz crackers is real.... As is my PMS.

At least Lucas sometimes wrestles his snacks away from me.

I did get Yoga Fix in yesterday and 40 minutes on the bike to make up for the cross training I missed Saturday.  I was lazy bones this morning and took a nap instead of running and so I had to get my "4 miles" in on the treadmill tonight. I think I've mentioned it before but I do not do the same pace on the treadmill as I do outside- I am much faster outside. So I just put in my time that it would take me outside on the treadmill.... Especially since I cannot stand to run on the treadmill. So I got 40 minutes in.

If you live near a Dick's Sporting Goods and you need new socks, I scored some Brooks on clearance for $5.99 for a 2 pack. 

I should have gone with a small instead of a medium, but I still like them.  Lucas approves too.

Alright time to hit up some 21 Day 10 minute abs and then bathe away the layers of sweat! 

Monday, July 6, 2015


Uffdah.... The past week has been a whirlwind! We spent a couple days at the lake which ended in an 11 p.m. trip home because Mike realized he worked at 7 the next morning.... Thankfully Lucas wasn't overly thrown by it and we had a good day at Thursday. Friday we loaded up again and Lucas and I headed to my mom's house for the holiday weekend. 

We had a great time but man oh man does my mom fatten me up when I am there! Or maybe that was our trip to the Sugar Shack... Heaven!

I am back on 21 Day today.... Or maybe 42 Day lol

I did manage to get my 5 mile run in yesterday while Lucas napped and my mom listened for him. I could run through views like this forever!

Although watch out for wild turkeys running across the road! 

My time was around 54 minutes but there were lots and lots of hills. I ended up accidentally running up this hill 3 times.... Maybe I should map out a route next time ha ha. 

Today is my day to do laundry and get my to do list done as we have something every day for the rest of the week.... I think July is going to be done in the blink of an eye!