Thursday, July 16, 2015

Books, books, books!

Happy Thursday everyone!  It is raining here which doesn't bode well for me getting my 4 miles in before I have to pick Lucas up from daycare.... and the strength training that's supposed to happen on top of that.  We shall see.

I didn't want to do my 4 miles on Tuesday either and found myself at 8:30 p.m. (why do I not go run as soon as I drop Lucas off... oh because I come back and SLEEP that's why..lazy bones!) wandering around the bathroom, slowly getting ready, telling Mike that I was going to do it in the morning.  He looked at me, laughed, and said "Do it and forget it".  I rolled my eyes and then contemplated what he said.  He was right to laugh- there was NO WAY on Wednesday when I woke up would I have gone out and ran 4 miles. So I got it done but I was very sore yesterday, which is partially why I am avoiding today's run.  My legs still haven't recovered and I'm scared I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

We had a pretty low key day yesterday.  Lucas took an early nap from 8-10 a.m. so I also took an early nap (if you think I slept for 2 hours straight, I did not.  I was interrupted multiple times by the dog, as well as Lucas fussing midway but thankfully putting himself back to sleep).  We woke up (okay, he woke up and that woke me up) and headed to the library.  I try to take Lucas at least once a week because I love books and I want him to share that love.  Right now, his love includes eating puffs as we walk there and playing in the bean bag chairs.  Baby steps right?

Speaking of books and related things, three things I want to share:

1- You have to check and see if your library lets you access Zinio for free.  It's an app (download the Zinio for Libraries app, not the regular Zinio app) that allows you to download the latest issue of over 70 magazines.  Titles I downloaded:
Runner's World
Good Housekeeping
The Oprah Magazine
Organic Life
Weight Watchers
Women's Day
Women's Health
Working Mother
Natural Health
Ladie's Home Journal

And for the men I just noticed Mike downloaded the following:
Do It Yourself
The Family Handyman
Men's Health
Popular Mechanics
Popular Science

I am in LOVE with this app!

2- Another app that I just learned about is Blinkist.  You basically download a shortened audiobook of many non-fiction books and it gives you the highlights in 15-20 minutes.  Pretty cool right?  The only crappy part is that it's only free for the first 3 days.  I tested out a few audiobooks and will probably not be paying for it any time soon (I have lots of podcasts I still need to catch up on), but I definitely wish I would have used it for item #3.

3- I have been postponing blogging about one of the books on my "New Year list" because I just didn't have much to say about it:  The Anti 9 to 5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube by Michelle Goodman.  

I dragged my feet to read it and then had to rush to read it in 2 days because it was due and I couldn't renew it since I got it from a library outside my library system.  I think the book was pretty well written but the advice just seemed redundant and not really relative to me.  I actually ended up skipping several chapters.  And turns out, I'm not really that interested in leaving my job any time soon.  I would love to set up something I can do from home for a second income but I don't see myself committing the time it would take for that any time soon with a 1 year old keeping me busy.

If you want to review books that I loved more, remember that there are tabs at the top of my blog, including a "Books" one.

After the library, we had lunch and then headed to the zoo.  Lucas fell asleep on the way over so Mike suggested ice cream.  I wanted a Brownie Batter Blizzard but we were closer to Milky Way so I settled for a Brownie Sundae.  It was pretty yummy but I WILL have a Brownie Batter Blizzard before the summer is over.

The zoo is always entertaining for Lucas... today's fascination was the birds/ducks. 

Still doesn't want to take a selfie with me... 

We came home, had supper and played with Lucas until bedtime.  Then I took my bike out for a 2.5 mile spin, came home, and read until bedtime.  My in laws gave me quite a few books when we were at the cabin so I've been reading those- on the docket now is Standup Guy by Stuart Woods.  I'm a third of the way done with it so it must be good.

Alright, off to eat some lunch and then find some motivation... yes, in THAT order.

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