Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Playing Catch Up

This is probably one of the first times I haven't written for a few days because I've been skipping workouts and eating junk and I was too embarrassed to admit it. I have been eating junk but I only skipped one workout :) Although I'm not sure that the fact that I've been reading Grey (the male perspective of 50 Shades of Grey) in every spare minute is a less embarrassing reason. I always guarantee 100% honest. And honestly, I couldn't put the damn thing down. I finished it last night so once I get caught up on sleep, real life should resume :) 

Saturday Mike picked up an extra shift so Lucas and I played all day inside since it was SO hot outside. We did venture out for a tour of the fire hall with Daddy when he got off work.

I 100% thought this was someone lying on the floor dead and may have had a heart attack when I saw it. Lucas just casually walked up and started poking it. No fear in that little boy.

Saturday night I convinced Mike to put air in my bike so I could have a real bike ride instead of riding the treadmill. I haven't ridden since grad school and have a super cheap bike from Walmart but it was definitely an experience.

My trail at night... Pictures don't do the beauty justice.

Had a stare down with a deer on the way.  She let me stop and take her picture and never ran away. Like I said, Snow White in training here.

Sunday was another hot one. We loaded up the car to go to the splash pad (which turned out to be a wading pool- misinformed!) but it didn't open until 1 and it was 12:25. So we drove over to the Butterfly House/Marine Cove instead. We ended up buying a family membership because it was twice the cost of admission so I figured if we came back one more time in the next year, it would pay for itself. And it's open year round so I think it will be a great place to visit in the winter when we need to get out of the house.

Lucas probably could have made it in the bubble himself. But I couldn't resist the opportunity.

Lucas did not want to play my family photo game.

Taking a picture with just Mommy was also a no go.

We made a trip to Costco before heading home.

I love my snacks. Sweet. Salty. Why decide? (P.S. Got my tank from Hungry Runner Girl. I did have to tie it in the back because it was super long but it is so soft it doesn't matter. She is selling them here again if you are interested.) 

I needed to load up on snacks because I had 6 miles on the agenda. I didn't head out the door until 8:30 p.m. because we were busy throwing toys under the treadmill. 

It was SO hot out that I knew I was going to do part outside and part inside. A lot of debate went into it and I decided on 3.5 outside and 2.5 inside.

Even though it was 90 degrees outside, I decided to go outside first.

Can you see the sweat dripping off my elbow?!

When I got home, I chugged some water and laid in front of the fan for a few minutes.

I knew I was hot and sweaty, but I did not expect THIS when I got up.

Gross! I put in 2.5 on the treadmill, stretched for a long time and then... We booked our trip to Omaha! Mike got a part timer to cover for him. Yes!! If anyone has suggestions for kid friendly places to visit or eat, let me know!

Yesterday I road tripped with a high school friend to see another high school friend and her new baby. Driving across any part of South Dakota is SO boring and requires coffee!

Baby snuggles are the best. Bad pic of me so focus on the cuteness of the baby! 

Ok that's it. My day ended with finishing Grey and blowing off a workout :) We will see what today brings! 

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