Sunday, August 30, 2015

9 miles of straight up suck....

Well the theme of the week is sucky runs. My 9 miler today was a KILLER. A few factors- 1) it was warm 2) I did not properly fuel pre-run with food or water and 3) I have never run so many hills in my life. Oh my god. Every 5 minutes there was a steep hill... I am not even exaggerating. I am amazed I finished in an hour and 40 minutes because I literally walked up hills 3 times because I was running slower than I could walk. Ugh! SO happy when that run was over.

The sermon at church today (which I was going to skip until 10 minutes before we had to leave) was about how we are never alone and pastor gave the example of a long hike he did with his wife and how he met a man doing it alone and he told pastor how much easier it was to hike with someone than alone... Of course pastor explained he was never alone. So when my run got real bad (and it did, several times) I just kept telling myself God was with me and would raise me up. And I made it. Barely. Ha! 

So on the positive.... 
My views were pretty spectacular on this one :

I was in 3 different cities and ran along 3 different lakes. I was lost several times. Thankfully I made it home :) 

AND my mom was there with a bottle of water and a cold washcloth... And Lucas was there to sit on me and tell "up up" when I collapsed on the floor.

I have tomorrow off since this little man doesn't have daycare. I am ready to tackle finding several items off this list:

Sadly some of them aren't available where I live and I don't drink enough to buy the alcohol (and you can't fool me again whipped peanut butter!) but I have a goal to try the majority of them. Of course my mom and I tried tonight and we found approximately 0 so I'm not off to a great start. Perseverance is key! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I know I did! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'm alive- and officially signed up!

Don't worry.... I didn't die.... Yet! Even after my 8 mile run on Sunday. I have just been super busy at work and then I get home and take care of Lucas and then I work out and go to bed. I was trying frantically to get a library book finished before it was due but it didn't work.... I am halfway through it and will have to order it again.... It came from a library way up north so it will probably be awhile before it makes its way back down.

Ok so my workouts..... I did 50 minutes of cross training on Saturday on my good old bike. Sunday afternoon I set up for my 8 miler. I drove a water bottle out to the 3 mile spot (mile 4 was out in the state park and I couldn't access it by car) and then laced up and headed out. I did cliff blocks before I left and at miles 2 and 4 and drank 4 oz of water at miles 3 and 6.  I've heard people complain about how hard the blocks are to chew but I never had issues today... Because I was never running while chewing. Takes a lot of work! But they're the only thing my stomach can handle for long periods so I will stick with them. 

This is the first time I've actually run all 8 outside so I was a little worried but the weather was beautiful and I told myself I could walk if needed... Mainly because the wind was RIDICULOUS!  It was literally blowing me sideways at points. But I managed to get an overall 10:39 pace with all my breaks and the weather so I was pretty pleased!

And I loved the scenery: 

After I put Lucas to bed I went to retrieve my water bottle- gone! Thankfully it wasn't one of my favorites. It didn't deter me- I came home and officially registered for the Sioux Falls half marathon. Eek!

This week my workouts have been off- we had a fire department picnic on Monday so I skipped Yoga. Yesterday I was scheduled for 5 but by the time I got out, I only had time for 3. I was going to run tonight but Mike informed me he had fire training so I am hitting the bike instead. Schedule for remainder of week will be 5 tomorrow, yoga on Friday to make up for Monday, 60 minutes of cross on Saturday and 9 on Sunday. Lucas and I are going to visit my mom so we will see what happens.... Hopefully I don't run out of steam in my final 2.5 weeks!

On the nutrition end.... I shouldn't shop at Target.

All delicious! Trust me. Buy them now!

One last laugh for you- this is who I share a space with at my new district. He's cute at least!

Happy Hump Day and National Dog Day! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Book review: mindless eating

What a great topic for me and I'm sure some of you as well, right? 

This book was an easy read with lots of great real life examples and solutions.... Plus he explains the psychology behind what we do which just fascinated me?

The biggest YES moment I had is when he talked about how we make over 200 decisions regarding food a day. So we start off good and being able to make healthy choices and say no to the bad things but as the day goes on, our resolve breaks down because we've said no so many times and we end up eating the chocolate cake in the lounge. I can apply this same example to spending money. I do good and say no for a long time and then I just cave and blow a lot of it! 

The first chapter talks about the mindless margin, those extra 200-300 calories we eat without even realizing it. Hello coffee creamer! Just by cutting those out, most of us could lose 5+ pounds a year. Wow! Recommendation: think 20% less of a serving on all portions except fruits and veggies- think 20% more on those!

The he talks about the forgotten food.... Where once we eat it, we don't even see it anymore because our stomach can't count. It doesn't know if you had 5 wings or 10 and if the waitress cleared your table in between, forget it. So put everything on your plate before you eat it and see it while you eat it- don't clear your tray until you are done! 

The next chapter is why I need to stop shopping at Costco- because when we see more in a container, we eat more. So use smaller boxes, bowls and plates. And beware the danger of leftovers- we tend to think that we need to eat until everything is gone! 

The next chapter really was about warehouse stores like Costco lol and how we are more likely to eat convenient food. So put serving dishes in another room when you eat supper, move the candy jar across your office, put tempting foods in hard to reach places (high shelf!), and snack only at the table and on a clean plate- put the bag down! And while you're at it, rewrite your eating scripts such as I eat when I watch TV at night or read.... Guilty. 

The next one is a fun trick for the kids- juts by putting a fancy name on something, people are more likely to eat it. If you serve people chocolate in the dark but tell them it's strawberry flavored, people taste strawberry. We are truly rats in a cage :) so add a fancy name for people and fix the atmosphere when you fix the food- fancy plates and a little extra time in kitchen and people will think you're a gourmet chef! 

Comfort food was a topic.... Hello Casey's pizza and anything my mom makes. Rules: don't deprive yourself, just limit your portion size and rewire your comfort foods- have chocolate covered fruit as a treat for your family instead of tator tot hot dish :) 

If you are the nutritional gatekeeper at your house, meaning you buy the groceries, be a good marketer. Offer variety. Use the half plate rule- let half the plate be a little naughtier and the other half is veggies or a salad. And make serving sizes official- one bag is not a serving! Baggie that stuff! 

Fast food was obviously a big topic. Beware of the Halo effect- just because you had a healthy sub does not justify chips, cookies and a regular drink. Think small or share!

And if you're going to mindlessly eat, mindlessly eat better :). Make 100-200 calorie changes in your daily food (goodbye creamer!), focus on food trade offs (I can have fries if I throw half of them away) and food policies (I only eat dessert on days I have a long run), pick 3 easy changes and make a checklist that your track them for 30 days so they become habit.

Great read- highly recommend it if you are interested in these things like I am.

5 mile run today in 49 minutes! I think knowing I only have 9 runs left until the big day helped.

Plus my cheerleading squad:

Hello deer! The sunset was beautiful too:

I was so tired, I collapsed in the grass when I got home.

Giving a training tomorrow and then thank God it's the weekend- these teeth of Lucas' are killing us both slowly. Sleeping poorly and he is cranky! Hope we survive :) 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Caught up to me

Well gang all my crappy eating has caught up to me- aw man! My work pants were a little snug today which was ok because I thought they were a smaller size than they actually were- ouch! Probably a good reality for me because the scale hasn't changed at all so just a good reminder that the scale doesn't matter- use clothes as your guide! I did caught my giant dessert bar in half today so that counts for something right? Ha! Looking forward to next week when I don't have workshops and ready access to naughty food :) only benefit so far of going back to work. Although I am loving my new district and my shorter commute! 

Yesterday's run was supposed to be 5 miles but I only made it 3.... It was so cold and rainy and I was running right into the wind and my ears were on fire! You win some, you call it on others. 50 minutes on the bike watching Big Beother tonight. 

I am SO tired so forgive this sucky post.

Don't let this face fool you.... He barely slept last night. I hate teeth. Can't tell if they are molars or what but he was miserable last night and only wanted Mommy of course. Hopefully tonight is a better night! 

Alright time to finish my library book and crash! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to work....

Sadly I had to return to work today. It was new staff/mentor training and I know both my mentees so it was a relatively easy day. I was super tired because I was wide awake from 4:20-5:45 a.m. so that was rough but thus is life. Note to self- running before bed leaves one wide awake so you don't get to sleep and then very sore so you don't stay asleep. But I rocked 6.2 miles in 65 minutes with an out and back course.

It was still light for the first 3.1 miles but it seems like when I turned around it got dark quickly.... May have had something to do with the storms rolling in. Fear of lightning had me cruising. That and the random animals scaring me. A deer ran right out in front of me and a HUGE frog jumped at me.... Ok it was probably normal size. But in the dark it seemed large.

Today's workout was Yoga Fix Extreme.

I was so excited it arrived today- thank you Amazon Prime. And yes, it IS extreme! Holy cow! 

I did manage to rock the bridge pose.

Please ignore my mismatched outfit.... I ditched the matching shirt after about 5 minutes because I was getting sweaty. I might need to order 21 Day Fix myself until this half marathon is over. Not sure I will be able to move tomorrow.

Time to browse Facebook, take a bath and get to bed. Duty calls tomorrow! 183 work days until summer..... 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Runner rules

Good morning! This is my last weekend of summer and I'm spending it sitting and waiting for an oil change... Being an adult sucks.

My workouts have been all over the place this week. I hit Yoga Fix on Monday which felt oh so good after that 8 miler on Sunday. Tuesday I had 5 miles on the schedule but then I did this:

Yup.... I fell and hit my face on a door. Runner rule #1- if one has a bruised face, they can take the day off from running.

My intent was to do 5 miles and cross train on Wednesday. And I did, if mowing counts as cross training. I've never mowed before in my life and I have to admit... It fits nicely with my Type A personality. I did 2 miles with my favorite running buddy and then finished 3 after he went to bed. Not sure if that's legit but hey, I got 5 in.

I took an early rest day yesterday so I could finish mowing and Mike could spend time with Lucas. So that's 5 miles on the agenda today at some point. Sigh. My husband and I had a long discussion the other day- he thinks running was my way of relaxing. Haha no! It's exercise. Pure and simple. It doesn't relax me and I  don't enjoy much past 3 miles. 

What does relax me?

Eating massive desserts with the husband on our date day. We also went to Trainwreck which was hilarious.

I really need to cut back on the sweets because I am starting to feel it in my runs and my pants. So I maybe shouldn't have bought these:

And if you ever come to my house you may see this:

Lucas doesn't believe me that mini Oreos are the same (still calls them crackers) so I had to put them in the regular Oreo container.... #firstworldproblems

Does this count as a healthy alternative? 

No? Sigh..... 

On the agenda for this weekend is finally tackling rocking two of our landscaping patches....

And snuggles with my best boy:

But only after lunch with my best friend :) 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Trying new things

So I do Bountiful Basket with a co- worker. You get a ton of fruits and veggies for $20. Since we split it, it usually stays fresh if I remember to use it. And there is usually one thing in it that I have no idea what it is or how to eat it. Today's new item was figs.

I googled how to eat them and it seemed like raw was an ok option.... Here's a general warning- they taste like dirt. Yuck! Give me a good Fig Newton!

Also, does this happen in anyone else's house?

I called Mike over and he goes "Why is there cheese in the cabinet?" Well I was hoping you could explain that one to me dear.... At least there wasn't that much left!

Today's training plan was 8 miles. I planned to get it done first thing but Lucas slept in (haha) until 6:30 a.m. So I didn't have time before church. So when we got home I decided to do 3 miles on the treadmill so I could drink a ton of water pre-run and use my own bathroom. I also ate a donut as my fuel and then decided that was a terrible idea so I had half a bagel too. I took 3 cliff blocks before I got on the treadmill and then took 3 before I went outside for the next 5. All in all, the run went pretty well. Took me about an hour and a half and I didn't feel completely wasted at the end. It was hotter than Hades out and humid.... I figure if I train in terrible conditions, running in cool morning weather will feel like a breeze. I can't believe I only have 4 long runs left before the big event. This is the first time I'm feeling like I might actually be able to pull this thing off...

Hopefully going to go to get some new fuels to try this week and need to start playing with my pre-run routine to figure out what I want to do on race day. This is my last week off of work (minus Tueaday.... Going to new staff orientation at my new district) so I'm definitely feeling the crunch time! But I'm also fitting in some time with friends so hopefully that will outweigh all the errands I have to run! 

Ok time to go continue to enjoy the Sabbath... If I ever train again, I'm putting my long run on Saturdays! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Some funnies about motherhood

This is SO how I feel at night. I get my work out done because I have to but then I end up watching TV or reading because I finally can. But I spend all day complaining that I'm tired and saying I should go to bed earlier.... So you'd think I would just do it once I can. Life is a constant conundrum. 

And just one more..... Especially the image of the boy covered in mud.  That was my life boy when he got in the bath tonight. Of course I stepped in dog poop today so I guess I'm the dirtier of the two of us. 

Nothing much going on today- went to the fair and ate some deep fried Oreos. 

Also had cheese balls for supper. I'm  calling it carb loading for tomorrow's 8 mile run. Yesterday was a rest day which was glorious. Today was 50 minutes on the bike. Started watching Younger series this week and was able to finish it. I am addicted. I'm pretty sure it's not that good but it's my kind of humor.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. The end of summer is in sight.... 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

It's still summer.....

Is anyone willing to sign my strongly written letter to companies to remind them it's still summer and I don't want to see their fall products on the shelves yet..... I'm not saying it stopped me from buying Apple pie bagels and pumpkin yogurt but I am protesting every time I out that deliciousness in my mouth!

I'm feeling pretty determined to run this half marathon in 6 weeks. I have 16 runs between now and then and I am just going to knock them out one by one. I have put too much time (10 weeks!) into this to quit now and I don't know when I will have the opportunity to devote this much time to training again. Remind me of this post in a week when I am crying and want to quit again... Ha!

On the nutrition side, I've decided to just give my body what it wants for now. I am loosely sticking to the 21 day recommendations and portion size but with less than 2 weeks until work starts I am enjoying all the fun I can with family and friends and for some reason that involves food.... Vanilla bean frappacino with my husband yesterday and Hu Hot with my mom today. Lucas was a big fan!

I literally held him with one arm and ate with the other... Curious boy!  

And you can never start them too early on helping you shake your protein shake... HUGE fan of the tropical flavor!

Very disappointed in my raisin and brown sugar oats yogurt- need to get back in the routine of making my own. 

30 mins on the bike tonight to cross train... And I just noticed I'm at 35... So yay time to eat a snack, take a bath and go to bed! Going to the dentist in tomorrow.... Maybe focus on a salty treat not sweet lol  

Monday, August 3, 2015

Kicking butt and taking names

I can definitely call yesterday a productive day and hoping I can say the same about today. Something about realizing I only had 2 weeks left before I have to go back to work must have lit a fire under my butt.

Yesterday's training plan was a 7 mile run. I decided to suck it up and hit the treadmill while Lucas was napping so I didn't have to face the blaze of heat outside. 

Unfortunately, Lucas woke up about 5 minutes before I needed him to.... So close!

I am trying out different fuels. I did 3 Cliff block about 40 minutes before I ran- a little early because I thought Lucas would go down earlier. I also did 3 more at the beginning of my run. 

A little strawberry lemonade Nuun while I ran and post- run. Note to self: drink it with ice cold water.

At mile 5, I had a little snack to keep me going.

A new brand to me but it was pretty tasty.

And a post run snack- popcorn and chocolate. Yum yum!

I made up for the early quit by taking Lucas and Jake for a walk and attacking our landscaping.

That is one of two wheelbarrows of weeds I ripped out of our landscaping. We have a large section that we took wood chips out of a couple years ago and still need to rock and it got overgrown with weeds and I just have been ignoring it all summer. But for some reason yesterday I decided to tear it apart. 

Thankfully I can walk today. Maybe next time I will baby step into productivity.