Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Let's go back in time... To Halloween and my mommy fail

Let's pretend it's Tuesday ;) I ate almost exactly what I had on Monday except I remembered my eggs for lunch- yay protein!  

I was SORE from p90x3 Lower Eccentric but thankfully Tuesday's are my rest day because Lucas has early childhood family education so they were able to rest up.... They are still sore today. I didn't use wrights because of my wrist but it was still a good workout. It was slow weight lifting which was a nice changefrom being a sweaty mess after cardio.... If I didn't like doing races so much, I would definitely just focus on lifting! 

Since I didn't have any new food ideas to share, I was going to write about my mommy Halloween failure. Just in case anyone still had any thoughts that I had my shit together. Last year Lucas had two costumes and 3 different shirts.

I was killing it as a Mom! This year I bought him the only shirt I could find at Target and it was a size too big.... Because I bought it a week before Halloween.

I had ordered his Halloween costume from Oriental Trading in August but hadn't bothered to put him in it... It was 12-18 months and since Lucas is such a peanut, I didn't think twice about it. Well I should have because it was WAY too small. 

Friday night our town did a Trunk or Treat where there were 3 blocks full of cars handing out candy. 

We made it a block before it started raining. Because Lucas really didn't care, we packed it in. Ok so not too bad...

Saturday night Lucas just wanted to eat suckers... Not supper. So after we managed to get him to eat 5 bites of real food, I had to wrestle him into his costume. I was bound and determined that he was getting that costume on. Lots of crying, yelling and bribery later.... 

Ready to go! We took him down our block. He was a little hesitant at first but once he realized they were giving him candy he was all over it.

We came back to our house and handed out candy and I may have lost it... I am a big fan of handing the candy to kids so they don't get greedy. But after awhile I stopped... My mistake. Not only did I have kids DOUBLE hitting out house because they wanted a different toy like their friend had gotten (who the hell stops and checks what they got while they are trick or treating... Waste of time!) but I had a mom tell each of her kids to grab a HANDFUL of candy and then she took a handful for herself. Like every year, we ran out of candy and I could not have been happier to shut off  the light! 

Lucas spent a lot of time checking his stash.... 100% my child.

We did a new crockpot meal tonight and it was delicious!

We were out of small plates ;)

Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwiches. Chicken, 1/4 cup Dijon mustard, 2-3 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 cup chicken broth, and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder and paprika.  Cook on low 6-8 hours or high 4 hours.  Amazing! 

Lucas has been going to bed super early (and getting up early... Don't be jealous) and I did NOT want to run... I didn't even want to shower. But the coach leading my challenge group wrote a pretty inspirational post about making these things a part of your life and then my Facebook memory told me it's been 3 years since I bought my treadmill. So I thought we should celebrate our anniversary. 30 minutes later and I wasn't sad that I got it done...

Now time to shower and collapse. 

Stay balanced friends. 

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