Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thursday Truths

So at the end of October I made some goals.  And then I forgot about them until I was going through pictures. So time to do this again. 

I like the recommendation that you should make a goal for each area of your life: 

I had no problems coming up wit physical goals but I haven't 100% followed all of them.  I've joined some groups that will hopefully hold me more accountable. 

Spiritual was the same way- easy to come up with, but I suck at following through. I am so blessed and I know I have multiple things to thank God for every day but it's a lot easier to remember him in times of need than abundance.... I need to find either a time of day to do this or set a reminder on my phone! 

Career.... I'm just going to set a calendar reminder on my work computer for this one. 

Social... Sadly I probably need to set a reminder to do this too. I love my friends but I just am terrible at reaching out. Thank God for Facebook! 

Intellectual... This is one I am excited about... I wanted to say one a month but I had to be realistic. 

Family.... I am excellent at talking to my mom on a regular basis but no one else in my family. 

Check my marriage daily just means checking in with my husband about how our days have gone but also just to check in on any frustrations we have towards one another so we don't carry them over into the next day. 

Financial.... I'm more of an every two week balancer since we don't use it much because we pay cash for everything but I need to do better about checking envelopes weekly too and seeing where we are at because we always run out about a week early... My fault. 

So I am hoping to post once a week how I am doing on these for some accountability... And maybe a little inspiration for you.

Until then, stay balanced. 

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