Monday, November 30, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 1

Well the scale says that I haven't gained any weight but the inches measurement says that I may have indulged a little too much over the holiday weekend.

Woke up to light snow that ended in a LOT of snow. 

Thankfully I had some warm meals prepped for my first day of 21 Day Fix Extreme.

Toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter and 2 hard boiled eggs- I would have made myself some eggs since I was working from home today but sadly I had already hard boiled them all for easy to go snacks. 

Mid- morning snack of two clementines.

Ride, broccoli and a turkey burger for lunch. Yum yum! 

Because I was working from home, I was able to get my work out in during the day.  
I grabbed a little pre-run snack.

I am doing a hybrid of running and 21 day fix extreme to maintain my running stamina so I hit the treadmill for 30 minutes.

Post run shake- chocolate with an added persimmon.  I got them in my Bountiful Basket and while they aren't my favorite thing, I don't want to be wasteful so will use them up in my shakes.

I picked Lucas up and we played hard until supper time.

Leftover turkey with green beans and celery and another teaspoon of peanut butter.

Lucas and I continued to play while Mike cleared one layer of snow. Bedtime came at its normal time for little man. I picked up the house for the cleaning lady and now am typing this post while watching an episode of Scandal.... 

All in all a good snow day!

Stay balanced friends and stay safe if you have to travel! 

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