Monday, June 29, 2015

A weekend of celebrations!

Someone please make time stop!

This weekend was a blur. I can't even tell you what I did on Friday! On Saturday we played in the morning and then loaded up to head to Brookings for the wedding of my graduate school friend. This was Lucas' first time in a hotel so I was pretty nervous. 

He had a blast exploring the room.

Of course I remembered to pack a swimsuit for Lucas but both Mike and I forgot our suits so we headed to the dreaded Walmart to find one. I hit the clearance rack and quickly learned two things 1) I am definitely a medium on the bottom and 2) you will NEVER see me in a string bikini. Oh my Lord. I immediately threw it back at the sales lady and found myself a slightly more expensive but much more appropriate suit. I still shudder thinking about that experience.

We had a blast at the wedding, especially Lucas. 

Yes, I do match my outfit to my child's or vice versa when we have special occasions.

Although he was up super late, Lucas woke up at 5:30. Must have been very excited to wish his daddy a happy birthday. This led to a day of crabbiness and weird nap schedule.  We decided to go to Sioux Falls so Lucas would hopefully sleep on the way... No dice! But he did get in a better mood which got me a little cocky and thought we could make it through a sit down meal at a restaurant.

Don't let this picture fool you.... This mea was a disaster.

First, if a restaurant offers you a Super Duper, this is what they mean:

I was very confused when they offered us one. Lucas did well until our meal came and then he just wanted to happily scream and run around. I let Mike eat and hen handed him Lucas and I attempted to eat. Two minutes in and Lucas had banged the front and back of his head on the booth and lost his pacifier on the floor. I picked him up, told Mike to pay and pack my meal and I walked out with Lucas. After a few minutes of calming down, I did return but holy hell. Sometimes I forgot that life with a toddler is not all fun and games.

Lucas slept the whole way home of course :) We woke him up, thinking he would have a late bedtime but after getting screamed at for 20 minutes we put him in his pajamas and put him to bed.

I had a 5 mile run on the books and I had a raging headache at this point and was exhausted. I popped some Advil and took some cleansing breaths and did some cleaning- always makes me feel better. 

I decided that I should just get the stupid run done so I could enjoy a relaxing Monday. I picked up some Cliff Shots so I can start experimenting with what type of energy I want to use during my half. I picked up the Strawberry flavor and it was actually pretty good. I downed 3 of those and a cup of water and headed out the door. 

I literally clomped out the first 2.5 miles. I felt so slow and was running straight into the wind.... Or so I thought. I turned around and either 1) my blocks kicked in or 2) the wind died down or there never was a wind. Because all of a sudden it was quiet and I was flying home. I literally danced and sang the last half mile. What the heck ?!? The world may never know.... Maybe I finally went delirious.

After all the junk and drinks this weekend, I am looking forward to some healthier choices this week. But not too many because we are going to visit Mike's parents at the lake for a couple days and also I am taking Lucas to see my mom this weekend for the 4th so not a total sugar cleanse.... Balance :) 

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