Monday, June 15, 2015

Be The Seed

This post would have been much better suited for a Sunday which is when I intended to write it, but Lucas didn't go to bed until 8:45 and I still had to get my 4 mile run in.  Normal Kayla would have just put it off until the next day and that was my plan BUT the bedding was still in the dryer so I wouldn't have been able to go to bed anyways... so I laced up my shoes and headed out.  I did a one mile out and back with the dog and saw some lightning headed our way.  Old Kayla would have used that as a very good excuse to just call it quits but New "I want to feel the glory of running across the finish line of a half marathon" Kayla turned around and headed back out for the last 2 miles.  The lightning was a little bit closer than I thought, but nothing like some lightning headed at you to put some speed in your step.  I had my old iPod (much better music selection that I can't transfer to my new computer because it's so old) so I don't have an official time but I know it was under 40 minutes-score!  Week 2 of half marathon training in the books!

So I hope this post doesn't offend anyone, but my blog does have the word FAITH in it and I don't think I have ever done a faith-based post.  Shame on me.   Definitely something that I should do more often so that's a personal goal of mine.  I am a Christian but I definitely am not as good of one as I should be.  I don't go to church on a regular basis, I don't tithe 10% and I am definitely a judgmental person.  Always room for personal improvement right?  Anyways, there's the explanation.

So I don't make it to church regularly because I don't want to go by myself.... so with Mike working every other weekend, that means we usually get there every other weekend.  Now that we have Lucas, I understand I wouldn't be alone but now my excuse is that I can't handle a 1 year old by myself in church-always an excuse right.  HOWEVER, this Sunday Lucas decided to fall asleep 20 minutes before we needed to leave for church.  I was already dressed and ready to go.  Normally I would have crawled back into comfy clothes and called it but I decided to put my big girl panties on and go by myself (No one was more surprised than my husband haha!)  And I'm glad I did.

The sermon was on Mark 4: 26-34 (Sorry for the font change-I am definitely too lazy to retype this!). 
26 He also said, “The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, 27 and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how. 28 The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head. 29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he goes in with his sickle, because the harvest has come.”
30 He also said, “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; 32 yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”
33 With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it; 34 he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples.
Image result for parable of mustard seed
EDIT: this is someone holding s mustard seed... Not a worm or a pnis (this is not a typo it's a way around censorship lol) as my husband just asked me. 
What I really liked about this passage is that the message is that the littlest things have the biggest impact and I think that is SO true for multiple things in our life.  It's the little smile that you give someone that makes their day.  It's paying in cash and not using a credit card that changes your spending habits.  It's cutting out multiple desserts that help you lose a few pounds.  I think too often in life we have these BIG goals and we forget that it's the little steps that are going to get us to that big goal.  
I also enjoyed when the pastor called offerings "packets of financial love".  I thought Dave Ramsey would really enjoy that one.  
Today we took Lucas to the zoo.  It's great entertainment for him and a nice way to get some exercise in while spending time with him.  

Is it just me or is this rhea looking like it's going to jump across the fence and peck my eyes out?
Tonight's workout was "Stretch and Strengthen" which means I should have done Pilates but I just really wanted to do some Yoga after my long run yesterday so I did Yoga Fix from 21 Day Fix and it felt so good.  Lucas really enjoyed it too...his downward dog and Angle Pose are better than mine!

I also finally got to cross another movie off my list (see post here if you don't know what I am referring to).  Boyhood!  The movie was created over 12 years to that it could use the same actors as they concept, LONG movie. 3 hours!  I had to watch it in 4 sittings.  I don't have time for that.  I also wasn't ever really sure what the movie was about other than just following their lives..seemed better fitted for a TV show.  Mike and I are currently watching Wild so hopefully I will have a review of that coming soon.

I hope you all had a Marvelous Monday!

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