Thursday, June 4, 2015

Owning It

Lucas went to daycare today so Mommy had lots of time to get her workout on.... And I piddled around the house until I absolutely had to go or I wouldn't get it done. How is it that the night before I had nothing on my to do list and then I start walking around the house and there are a ton of things? Plus finishing up season 1 of Jane the Virgin... Hey mama's gotta relax at some point!

I got a 3 mile run in... At 12:50! Why oh why did I not go in the morning after I dropped Lucas off when it was cool and not hot and humid? My Map My Run app was not working properly (I did NOT run .5 mile in 3 minutes and 34 seconds) so my idea to take a new route failed. Despite having to take a walk break to drop off Jake's bag of poop, I finished in 33 minutes so I am guessing I actually ran 3 miles in 28 minutes or less- yes!!! Today I also had to do strength today so I broke out an old friend:

Love me a good 3-2-1 workout! I took a shower and then got a text from daycare that Lucas was still up. I decided to pick him up early so he could nap for as long as he wanted at home... Except he never napped. So early to bed for him tonight and lots of tantrums- ugh! He is definitely transitioning his nap schedule but hadn't picked what to transition it to yet. 

We went for a family walk to the local farmer's market. Picked up some whole wheat bread, rhubarb strawberry jam and chocolate chip banana bread- yum yum! The bread and jam went perfectly with the roast I made. For those of you who saw the daikon I posted on Facebook that I got with my Boutboful Basket, I chopped it up and put it in with my roast, onions and potato. It made my house smell like cabbage but it actually took on the flavor of what I cooked it with and it wasn't bad. I wouldn't buy one but it was good. 

Yesterday I would have felt guilty about the banana bread I ate (with butter!) for dessert BUT today I decided to own my eating habits. I eat something unhealthy every day. And I work out almost every day. I haven't gained weight, but I also haven't toned up. But I am who I am and I am tired of trying to change myself or feeling guilty about every sweet input in my mouth. Yes, I would love Autumn Calabrese's body... But apparently I wouldn't love it as much as I do a cotton candy Oreo :) you win some, you lose some people.

Alright, time to watch an episode or two of Scandal before I crash! I love getting my workout and shower done during the day so I can relax at night.... And tomorrow is rest day. TGIF! 

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