Friday, June 26, 2015

I have found the why....

I've been pondering the past few weeks why I've been gaining weight and I have found the reason why.... I'm NOT pregnant. I know that's where you all went immediately.

Nope it's because of things like this:

I went to our local Farmer's Market last night and I walked away with peach jam and root beer cupcakes. 

Or these little gems from the Edgerton bakery that I found at W2 Meats when we picked up beats for supper:
Just so you know, if I lived in Edgerton I would be fat- the cupcakes came from a lady from Edgerton too. 

Come on, life is short right?

Not that her life was short by any means, but my sweet step-grandma passed away yesterday just two months short of her 90th birthday. Since my stepdad passed away 8 years ago this June, I only saw her a few times a year but she always sent cards and had gifts for me- plus cookies. One thing I will always remember is that she would always bake several kinds and put them all in the same container but one always had peanut butter so they ALL tasted like peanut butter! The first time I met her was my first vacation to Florida I remember (I did hit Disneyworld at age 4 but no real memory). She was so sweet and introduced me to the finer foods in life- oysters on the half shell, shrimp cocktail, lamb with mint jelly. Yum yum. And to use sunscreen as I got so burned I literally couldn't walk. I am sad but definitely not as torn up as when my mom's mom passed away a year and a half ago (I literally slept in her hospice bed with her 16 weeks pregnant).

I used that and my poor aching body as my reason to skip workouts yesterday. That and I got caught up watching True Blood and making Shutterfly albums- I got 7 of them made and am all caught up. It was one of those things that had been on my to do list for MONTH and it felt so good to get done! Other things on to do list were accomplished today by Mike with Lucas supervising:
Built in garbage cans are fun until the plastic can breaks and you can't find a can the right size to fit in the hole (we looked at Shopko, Kmart, Target, Dollar Tree and Kohls... We don't do Walmsrt) so Mike had to cut the hole bigger and then it wouldn't slide back into place. He got the lawn mowed while I snuck in a T25 Cardio workout from Beachbody On Demand which I will be canceling soon. I liked trying all the different workout styles but I didn't fall in love with any of them. I will probably purchase 21 Day Fix Extreme and just alternate that and regular 21 Day Fix. I enjoyed T25 but there were several moves that involved alternating my legs and arms and I SUCK at that. I have no eye-hand coordination and you can really see it when I do aerobic type activities. My brother has T25 so if I ever want to try the other ones, I will just borrow it.

I still want to try Cise, Insanity and P90 3 before I cancel. And hopefully I will get the motivation to try them soon. I am trying to convince myself to strength train again more. 1- my body is getting flabby again since I quit. 2- I think that's part of the reason my body hurts so bad. My husband says I'm not eating enough and while that may be true (and I wish it was because I would love to eat more!), I think it's more about eating the right things. But I also have been reading a lot about the things that prevent injuries and strength is a big factor. I really only strength train once a week right now since I do Yoga on my stretch and strengthen day. Putting miles on my tennis shoes alone is not going to be  enough to get me across that finish line!

I didn't want to run tonight but after we got Lucas to bed (at 8:30- who is this child of mine who used to be in bed by 6:30?) I told myself to just go out and get it done. We have a wedding tomorrow night (first time staying in a hotel with Lucas) so I need to cross train in the morning and I didn't want to have to run too.

Felt good to get it done and beautiful sky after the rain- no pic because I took my regular iPod since I knew my 3.5 mile route. 

I must need a shower because the fly ice been hunting landed right next to me... Luckily the swatter was on the other side of me so cross that off my to do list ass well!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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