Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bit the bullet

ISo most products that I try I am super excited about but with my Bulu Box I was a little nervous about the products because I didn't know much about them and didn't know anyone else who has tried them!

If I was going to take a fish oil supplement, I would definitely order these! I have a very sensitive stomach to vitamins and this didn't upset me at all (I did take it with supper, just FYI). I have heard that most fish oil supplements have a gross taste but these were tasteless. I don't currently see a need to take a supplement like this because I feel like my diet is pretty good but I am getting older and will probably need to start soon! 

THIS was what I was nervous about because energy things make me very jittery and sometimes pukey.... And sometimes they taste like crap! This one was not my favorite... First few sips I enjoyed but then it got too much. Maybe throw it in a smoothie to take away a little bit of the bite? Energy wise.... Yes I did have a lot of energy on my run but I also got that gross shaky too much caffeine feeling so definitely not something I'm going to try again. 

One item I did not try from my box was this: 

I just didn't feel like it was a product I needed and I didn't feel like 2 days worth would allow me to do a fair review.  You win some, you lose some.

Ending on a positive note, I found a product in my BirchBox that I loved enough to order the full size! 

It was originally $40 but it was on sale for $20 and I had $10 for reviewing products in my box and free shipping... So if you did the math, that's $10 for 20 colors. Lots of purples, browns and golds which is perfect for these brown eyes.  If you remember from precious posts, I throw all my makeup away in June and January to replace it every 6 months so this came at a great time for me! 

Today's workout was a 30 minute run. I set an alarm for 15 mins to remind me to turn around. I didn't officially keep track of distance but I know the path well enough to know that it was 3 miles :)

It is in the 60s today so I wore leggings and a long sleeve shirt.

At the last minute, I threw on a hat which earned me a lot of grief from the hubby

But it was raining and windy and I hate when my ears get cold. I kept it on until the last 2 miles. It was then used to wipe my wet face and my phone. This is the first time I have ever run in the rain and it actually wasn't that bad (who am I?) it wasn't my ideal weather but Lucas is at daycare today so I told myself I had to use my time productively while he was there so off I went...

Small changes every day in the right direction! 

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