Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 21... Party time!

I made it!!!! Ok there were a few bumps in the road and I almost ate cake today (luckily it was all gone by the time I broke down) but I made it!!! 

Ok so let's start with the positives:
1- I lost two pounds.
2- I lost two inches off my stomach.
3- I feel stronger than ever.
4- 21 days with no soda and I feel pretty awake.

Now yes, there are some things I would probably do differently next time if I did this again. I had results and I'm proud of those results but let's be honest, they should be better if I was true to the program. Remember that at Day 2 I went to the next calorie level than what the program called for. I also used 3-4 Stevia packets a day on various things and the program really recommends one. Oops. I would also truly meal plan and make actual meals with variety instead of emsg and rice or sandwiches. I know it can be done, I was just lazy ;) I was much happier tonight eating steak with corn on the cob (carb on this program) and a vegetable and fruit.

I also had two skipped workouts and two cheats... And a few bitefuls of things shoved in my mouth by this crazy boy

But when Little Man shares, you take it.

Time to take a day off and then continue on this healthy lifestyle! 

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