Thursday, May 28, 2015

Making homemade snacks- applesauce bites!

So in order to relieve some of the guilt that comes from sending Lucas to daycare two times a week this summer (even though with my work schedule and daycare taking a week off, it's only 8 days to myself), I told myself that I would use those days to do some meal prep.

So today I tackled two goals: start actually doing the things I pin on Pinterest and make something for Lucas. I had pinned a relatively easy recipe for applesauce bites so thought I would start there.

The recipe was one cup quick oats and half cup applesauce but I added a little extra applesauce.

Mix together. 

And then drop in little bites on a baking sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes at 325 degrees. I put them on parchment paper because I don't like to wash dishes :)

End result: pretty tasty and healthy. And Lucas' thoughts? Took one bite and then didn't want anything else to do with them. Of course :)

It was really nice to get my run in during the day although I forgot about running in the heat- holy cow! I was slow and clumpy and had to walk after running up a hill. My husband tried to goad me on about how he hasn't run in a year and he was running faster than me but it really just made me want to trip him. I always laugh because I imagine people who see us running together must think we are so cute but most of the time I am swearing at him or threatening bodily harm... I was the one laughing in the end though when about 5 minutes later HE had to take a walk break. I told him slow and steady wins the race! 

One last day at Slayton tomorrow- having a get together with my co workers after to celebrate the end of an era ;) 


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